Chapter 1: Pink is a Forbidden Color

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"What is this feeling? I...don't understand."

The same two sentences run through Knuckles's head every night while he lays in bed. He's afraid to admit his love for one Amy Rose.

After years of running with her and working with her something just clicked. Knuckles's view of Ms. Rose has changed. "She's the most beautiful creature I've ever seen," he whispers "Her cute pink hair, her big green eyes, her beautiful red dress..."

The only thing stopping him from telling her is Sonic. Knuckles knows that Amy is Sonic's forever lover. Loving Amy is against Bro-Code and is totally not cool. But feelings are feelings and they can't be stopped. Even so, Sonic and Amy aren't really dating!

Knuckles finally begins to drift off to sleep
"Knuckles.....Knuuuuckles," a soothing voice is calling out. "It's just me, Amy. We're alone." Knuckles jolts up. "Rats...Another dream..." He wipes the sweat from his brow and falls asleep, for real this time.


The next morning Knuckles makes his way to the kitchen only to find Amy sitting at the table, alone.
She looks up and they make eye contact, she smiles. "Hey Knuckles!" she says cheerfully. Knuckles awkwardly laughs "H-hi Amy! How a-are you?" he nervously stutters his way through his sentences.
"Oh I'm fine," she gets up and walks towards him "still a little tired but I'll survive."

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA" Knuckles cackles "THAT'S....that's really funny." He tried too hard.
"Right..haha." Amy politely responds. She always likes to make people feel comfortable.

"I'm thirsty" she says. She starts to reach for a glass but accidentally brushes up against Knuckles's arm. He blushes and quickly jumped back. "Ahhh sorry. In the way!" he says quickly. Amy looks at him perplexed but decides to ignore it.

Knuckles starts to think. "I should just tell her. There's no reason for me not to. Nothing bad will happen. C'mon Knuckles...C'mon..." He takes some deep breaths and starts to speak.

"Amy...Can I be honest with you about something?"
"Ofcourse! You can talk to me about anything"
She smiles. Knuckles trembles. He can't help but melt at her smile. It's just perfect!
"Right...So I've been meaning to talk to you about this for some time now but I've been too scared to say anything...Look...Amy...I think I'm inlo--"

"Heyyo!!!! How is everyone today???"
Sonic bursts in and cuts off Knuckles.
Defeated, Knuckles replies "I'm alright.." Amy looks at Knuckles, "We can talk later, alright?" She squeezes his arm and goes to sit with Sonic at the table.

"So close," Knuckles thinks to himself "almost..."

KnuxAmy Story: Forbidden LoveWhere stories live. Discover now