[what is your purpose?]

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Hoseok opened his eyes roughly, his head was hurting him it was dark and gloomy.
Hoseok:" I'm thirsty... I'm at home already? Did I go out with friends for a drink? I have a headache...Wait but the last thing I remember I was going to work..ugh I'm exhausted.."

He tried to get off the bed but it wasn't his, he lost his balance and fell on the floor:" wtf since when my bed is this height?" He heard footsteps then someone opened the door and light on the room, Hoseok expression changed it looked nothing like his room. It was big and prosperous, Hoseok was looking around him then tried to focus on the person who entered.

The person walked closer with slowly steps he was tall and really good looking also he was young...
Hoseok:" w-who are you? Where am I?"
He responded:" I'm Kim taehyung...hmm..You were supposed to be asleep for at least 2 days because of the sleeping drug I gave you."

Hoseok got terrified and tried to stand up but he couldn't, meanwhile, taehyung looked at him with a pitiful look and smirked.

Hoseok:" did you fucking kidnapped me?? Are you psycho bitch?? Answer me!!!!!"
Taehyung:" you are not allowed to ask questions instead  you will follow the rules."
He tried to hold him:" I will put you back in the bed for your sake."

Hoseok did bite taehyung's hand firmly.
Taehyung was pissed off:" let me my hand, don't play these games instead you should be scared."

Hoseok glance was sharp and serious his eyes do not know what fear is.. Taehyung went speeches for a bit then immediately punch his face, Hoseok fell off and faint.

[ before 8 hours *before Hoseok was kidnapped*]

Hoseok usually wake up at 6 am he makes dinner for him and his grandma who raised him, he takes care of her and then leaves to work, he works as a designer of a shoe company, he doesn't have a lot of friends his mother died when he was born, that what they have told him, and his father was never a father to hoseok, he treated it him harshly when he was kid and he didn't give him love nor care, he is always busy they never spoke or ate together he didn't meet since he was 11years old, the only one who was a mother and a father to him was his grandma.

Hoseok:" halmeoni! I'm leaving, don't forget to take your medicine, I will be home early."
Grandma:"  yee! be safe."

On his way to the train station, a black car pulled over his side, he didn't care and continue walking, then he noticed two giant men walked out from the car and start following him, he turned around and face them.
Hoseok:" may I help you."

They approached him and tried to grab him, but his reaction was fast he quickly stepped back and ran:" wtf they want????" He took a peak behind him but they weren't running after him and a fear expression was marked on their faces...

At that moment he bumped into someone, hoseok fell down and tried to stand up again but a hand-pulled him from his hair tightly he couldn't move and was forced to drink something from a small bottle.

It took a few seconds until hoseok passed out.
The two men:" we are sorry highness!!!".
Taehyung looked at them with a miserable look and lifted hoseok in his arms.
Taehyung:" another mistake and you are dead."

Taehyung gets in the car and put hoseok down in the seat while hoseok's head was on taehyung's lap.
A few minutes later he got a phone call:" hello.."
The caller:" did you get him?"
Taehyung:" yes, we are on our way."
The caller:" that's good, oh, by the way, be careful he must look weak but he is He's a genius crook Don't underestimate him."
Taehyung smirked:" he has no chance to play with me anyway I will let you know when we are there."

[After two days]

Taehyung was drinking coffee in the morning.
His butler came closer:" highness he still didn't wake up yet."
Taehyung:" he will make sure to feed him even if he resists and y-
One the guard came running:" highness he woke up, he is asking to see you."
Taehyung:" okay bring him down here,  "he looks at the other one:" go bring the breakfast."

Hoseok looked very tired and fragile he was looking around the whole time *thoughts*:" at first I thought it is just a big house but this is fucking castle!!! Why I'm here?? I have so many questions.. All that I need is to go back to halmoeni..."

He sat down on the chair, the table was long and full of food on his side. On the other side, taehyung was facing him.

Hoseok start eating, he didn't say a word.
Taehyung:" nice choice keeping calm and quiet is the best thing to do in your situation."

Hoseok glared at him:" listen I don't care who the fuck you are because you are just pussy who is scared to tell me the truth you better let me go I have a life to take care of I have a grandma who can't take care of herself in   that age I have job I have bills so if you want to play a kidnapping game you choose the wrong one, I have no one who will give you money for my life."

Taehyung:" PFT first your bad mouth is pissing me off, second I won't answer anything except one thing your grandma is in good hands so don't worry about her also if you tried to do foolish things you will be dead. Got it?"
Taehyung looked at the guards;" take him back to his room."

They held him and sent him back.
Hoseok:" alright then you wanna fuck with me? I will show you."
He went to the window and opened it:" fuck it's so high I would be dead if I jumped, as I can see this the only castle in this area and it is bear to the forest.."

He went and dragged heavy cabinet to the door.
The guards* watching videos *one of them asked the other:" did you hear something?"
At that moment they start hearing Hoseok making noise by breaking stuff in the room
He crawled a closet full of plates  and glasses then he cracked the tv and the large

They tried to unlock the room but the closet
Made it hard.
Taehyung went there second later:" open the door."
The guards:" we can't!!
Taehyung:" say I can't again and I will fuck you I want all of you to push."

After a few minutes of pushing with all their power they break the door and finally were able to enter the room, it was in mess and Hoseok wasn't there.

Taehyung ran to the balcony he looked down but no one was down there but his jacket was in the ground:" D-did he fucking jump??? GO NOW HE WILL NOT BE FAR!!!"

Everyone went from the room, taehyung was following them while he was going down by the stairs he suddenly stopped:" wait second!! He could have died if jumped...FUCK HE TRICKED ME!!!"
Hoseok was hiding under the bed and after they left he ran to other rooms.

Taehyung called the butler.
Butler:" yes highness??"
Taehyung:" he is still in the Castle, close everything tells everyone to look for him if he managed to leave the castle I will kill you."
Butler: "yes highness!!!!"

He did what taehyung asked him and they start looking in each room and each corner of the castle.
After three hours of looking yet, they didn't find him.

Taehyung was pissed off:" I'm gonna lose my shit yall are dead, Y'ALL ARE DEAD!!!!! send the  guards to look outside, don't let him get far use the dogs."

Hoseok was hiding in a small room full of carton boxes of food.
Hoseok:" I will go out in the early  morning they gonna be tired of looking."

[In the late-night 3 am in the morning]

Taehyung was in his office trying to keep himself calm.
The butler knocked.
Taehyung:" come."
The butler:" we searched in the whole area he is not around.. What should we do?"
Taehyung:" call the guard here."
He pulled out the palace layout.

A moment later, Taehyung:" each one of you tells me where he searches in."
He starts crossing the places they mentioned to him in the design.
Taehyung:" no one looked in the food store ?? YALL ARE USELESS GO THERE NOW !! "

They all went there but they didn't find him but They found messing food.
Taehyung went to the kitchen and found hoseok going out from the kitchen door
Taehyung shouts out:" HOSEOK!!!"

hoseok turn around and smirked at him and rapidly locked the door from outside and ran toward the forest.

Hoseok ran with all his force deeper into the forest *thoughts*:" he called my name... He knows me... But who is he? What is its purpose? I have so many questions but all I need is to get far from here as possible as I can."

[To be continued[

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