[silent pain] pt 1

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3 months have passed,
Hoseok was driving to his college *thoughts*:" I'm thankful things are going well I'm doing good in my specialty I have a small apartment and I have a friendly roommate and  taehyung and I are doing fine we don't talk a lot because both of us are busy but we are relation is doing fine, I missed him a lot can't wait to come back and be helpful to him."

In the evening he was eating dinner with his very charming roommate jimin he is a half Korean and been living there since he was 12years old.

Jimin:" ah I'm so tired, can't wait for these rest 4months to end and be able to work."
Hoseok:" same I really want to back, hey you should come to Korea once you have your first vacation."
Jimin:" I'm okay, I'm scared your boyfriend will tell his mafia to kill me."

Hoseok laughed:" noo!! He will never he is not a bad man as you think."
Jimin:" maybe I will think about it."

Hoseok leaned on his bed:" we didn't talk for a week ah I miss him..."
Jimin:" hey let's go out tomorrow I need to shop for new clothes."

Hoseok:" alright let's meet after lectures."

The next day, Jimin and Hoseok went and had a really good time fat from the college stress.

They took break and went to nice  cafe to have fresh drinks
Hoseok:" oh!! Taehyung just texted me."
Jimin:" respond to him!! Hurry."

Hoseok:" he asked me what I'm doing I will send him some pictures look!! We are fashion icons. "


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Jimin:" wait don't send him our pictures together."
Hoseok:" can you stop!! He won't blackmail you lol."
Jimin:" I'm still young and I need to live longer."

Hoseok:" he is busy he said maybe he will face time me later."
Jimin:" oh so you are not going to the party this night? "
Hoseok:" I'm not sure plus I don't like clubs."
Jimin:" boy!! We will have so much fun, a free drinks I will go wasted and I need someone to drive me pleaaaase..."

Hoseok:" you can call me to pick you up, I'm not going he might call me you know time zones are different."

Jimin: "PFT alright then taehyung's baby boy."

Later at night, Hoseok waited all night for taehyung call but he didn't call him...
He was upset..then he went to pick jimin at 3 am from the club.
He put him in the car and start driving quietly.

Jimin *drunk*:" you....you are calm? I...i thought you will be like usual asking me  " why you drunk a lot " there was a really hot guy there I really want him to kiss me, kis-

Hoseok's phone rang, he pulled on the side and responded.
Hoseok:" hello?"
Taehyung:" hey.'
Hoseok:" listen I know how busy you are I mean both of us are, but at least keep your promise I waited for your call for hours."
Taehyung: "let's break up."

Hoseok went speechless... He felt like a knife stabbed his chest...it was painful.

Hoseok: "what did..you just say?"
His hands trembling, feeling sick...

Jimin was quiet, staring at him worried about his friend...

Taehyung coldly responded:" I'm not interested in you anymore, you better stay there in San Francisco,  there is no meaning for us to be together I lost my feelings as long as I stopped seeing you and realized I'm into women more so take care."

Hoseok hang up immediately, tears were falling on his cheeks none stop, he turned to jimin and cried in his arms, he comforts him but he couldn't say a word, even him he was shocked.

The next morning, Jimin made coffee and went to Hoseok room.
Jimin:" did you get some- wait! What are you doing why are you packing?"
Hoseok:" I'm going back to Korea now."

Jimin put down the mugs:" no! You are not Hoseok, listen I know you are confused and hurt but- he shootout HOSEOK I said sit down let us have matured conversation."

Hoseok sat on the ground, with his head down.
Hoseok: "what do you want me to do? There is something that man loves me and I love him to death, there is no way he would say that on his own... I want to go back and understand what is going on because I can't stay still."

Jimin:" I have a great idea, 4months left to your diploma and you are not going to screw it for him, you will get your diploma fly to Korea have an adult conversation with him and I don't know what will happen after it, but you will work at that company and show him the man he lost."

Hoseok:" I called him but he didn't bother to pick up."
Jimin:" oh jeez how many calls?"
Hoseok: "6..60..calls and some texts..."

Jimin: "oh my ass!! you will stop calling him, stay strong for now and trust me after you come back I will make sure that I trained you how to make him under your feet."

Hoseok: "you are right I will show him who is the real highness."

For the next 4months, Hoseok studied his best in majoring Management and economy and business organization with the highest degree.

Jimin was driving Hoseok in the last day after small goodbye party to the airport.

Jimin:" are you ready?"
Jimin:" keep me updated in every detail."

Hoseok get in the airplane ready to face him.. Ready to see him again... Even though he was not having good feeling about it but he was going to accept it...

[to be continued ]

Please vote if you liked it.
I ended using both jimin and yamada for the story.
Yamada will be shown in the next chapter and I will add some more characters in the future.

Stay safe I love you guys.

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