[the trip part2]

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The flight to Paris was so long, they arrived at night it was cold and snowy there...

They first went for dinner just the two of them...

[In the hotel restaurant]

Taehyung:" you look tired!" He said while gazing at hoseok..

Hoseok:" yeah, even though I slept in the airplane but I feel so exhausted, you were working all the flight making phone calls and a lot of things."

Taehyung:" leaving my spot is not easy, I need to make sure everything is going good."

Hoseok stares taehyung *thoughts*:" I'm so scared...we have to share the room... I don't know what will happen.. I'm honestly tired is it okay if I reject him... I mean..."

Taehyung:" Hoseok?

Hoseok:" yeah??"

Taehyung:" if you finished let's go up to our room."

Hoseok *gasp*:" I need to take bath."

Taehyung nodded:" okay."

The way to the room seemed so long for Hoseok his heart was bounding...

He went to the shower as soon he walked to the room.

Taehyung:" don't take long so I can take bath too."

Taehyung was on his laptop... Meanwhile, Hoseok was panicking rather than taking a bath.

An hour passed, Hoseok finally came out from the shower...

Hoseok:" wait...he slept...um..."

He walked towards him, it's been a while since he saw him sleeping, as an angel... His charm took Hoseok breath...

Hoseok pats his head:" I love you... I feel I exist for your love...only for you..."
He leans next to him and made himself comfortable and slept with his love...

The next morning, Hoseok opened his eyes barely..he checked but taehyung wasn't there...

Hoseok sat there to comprehend what happened..:" I remember we slept peacefully yesterday.."

Taehyung came out  the shower with a towel on his waist, all wet with exposed chest...

Hoseok eyes widened open!!! He lost words..: "um... mor...

Taehyung:" good morning, how are you feeling today?"

Hoseok looked away and pretend he was opening the window:" I'm fine yeah,  sorry yesterday I took a long time."

Taehyung:" it's okay, get ready, and let's head to work."

Hoseok:" yes!!"

After breakfast they went for a meeting in a huge building, it was all new for Hoseok, foreigners, and what shocked him that taehyung is fluent in French... He was so impressed, it made him feel so proud that taehyung is his leader...

Hours later, taehyung had private dinner with a businessman, since hoseok work end, taehyung sent him back to the hotel.

Hoseok ate dinner in his room made a video call with Jimin, they didn't want to talk about what happened, they just made sure that they were okay...

Hoseok then took bath and went to the bed:" should I wait for him? Or just sleep..."

He walked to the balcony to see the view...until he heard the door unlocking...

He looked behind to see taehyung exhausted, sleepy face yet so charming he was wondering how can someone be this hot even though he is tired.

Taehyung walked towards him and hugged him tightly, he rubbed his nose on hoseok wet hair...

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