[ A sweet Sin]

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After making out for a couple of minutes... They stopped to catch their matching heavy breathe...

Looking at each other eyes passionately with froths connecting their lips...

Taehyung let go hoseok and stepped back... He felt unsteady... Confused about what just happened.

Hoseok:" I think.. I should leave."

He hurried to open the door and left as quickly as he can before can taehyung stop him. But taehyung couldn't follow him...their kiss really made taehyung legs weak...

The next day, taehyung was in his room dressing up he couldn't, he didn't sleep nor stopped thinking about yesterday...
*thoughts*:" we should have a conversation I can't act as nothing happened."

Later on, he walked to his car however, Hoseok wasn't there...

When he walked to his office, he saw him... Hoseok looked the same when they were in the castle the same lightness smile with a bright face as if he never needed asleep, looks like taehyung fell in love with him all over again...

Hoseok acted as nothing happened still you can read everything in his gazes.

Hoseok:" sorry for not picking you up I was organizing your office I just finished, you don't have a lot today as well... You are free by lunch and you have dinner with dad- I mean Jung and your fiancee's father also you have to sign in these documents."

Taehyung:" are you free at lunch? Let's eat together."

Hoseok voice rumbled:" um... I can't I have to go to the hotel for a meeting i'm exemplifying you."

Taehyung:" let the other secretary do it."

Hoseok:" I can't I was waiting to put my print on this for a long time anyway I have to prepare for it, if you needed anything you can call me."

Hoseok left the office and he finally let himself breathe...
While he was heading to the elevator

*thoughts*:" I can't... I can't face him...my heart wanted to jump out my chest!!! I didn't even tell anyone about what happened I mean I can't believe it did happen... Stop it Hoseok...it was probably a mistake, he has a fiancee and I should be out of the frame, now go back to work."

Hoseok has been avoiding taehyung all day by overworking and staying away from him...
Taehyung has noticed that and it annoys him...

A few hours later, hoseok went back from the hotel meeting to the office.

He packed his stuff and went to the elevator-

Taehyung walked from his office he shoutout:" hoseok."

Hoseok looked behind him:" yes? Do you need anything?"

Taehyung walked toward him:" where are you going?"

Hoseok: "um...my work is done I'm heading to eat dinner and go to my house??"

Taehyung:" can we talk?"

Hoseok:" I can't...Yamada is waiting for me down.."

Taehyung: "oh...ok."
Hoseok:" yeah... See you tomorrow."

He walked to the elevator, they looked at each other while the door is closing... Knowing clearly that they are hurting each other as their souls want to hug as their lips are hungry to meet....

Taehyung walked back *thoughts*:" why does this have to be complicated...why we have to be in a separated world, the more I hurt you I hurt myself as well I don't want to see you hurt yet I don't want to let you go... Wait what I'm doing here? I should go after him."

He ran to the elevators but both were busy, he then took the stairs, he was jogging without thinking all he wanted to catch him before he leaves.

Regardless he was fast, hoseok left in Yamada's car, taehyung rushed to the garage and took his car after them.

Hoseok:" Jimin is not coming?"
Yamada:" he has a job interview, he told us yesterday."
Hoseok leaned on the window and spaced out:" yesterday."

Yamada:" Did something happen yesterday?"
Hoseok panicked:" no!no! nothing!"

Yamada looked frightened:" this car is following us!!!! What are they doing by surpassing us??"

Taehhyung surpassed them then he stopped, Yamada quickly stopped his car they were close getting into an accident.

Yamada:" wtf wrong with him?? I'm going to kill him!!!!"

Hoseok seemed in shock he knew whose car was that...

Taehyung came out from the car and walked toward them he opened the door from Hoseok's side breathing heavily:" get out."

Hoseok:" w-what are you doing?"
Yamada was so mad:" wtf wrong with you, were you trying to kill us?"

Taehyung didn't bother to look at him he leaned:" do not make it hard and get out hoseok."

Yamada held hoseok hand:" you are not going right? Tell him."

When Taehyung saw him holding hoseok he went insane he punches the car roof and shouted with his raspy deep voice:" GET YOUR HAND OFF HIM OR THAT HAND WILL BE PIECES!!!"

Hoseok pushed taehyung and walked out of the car:" follow me."

He leaned before shutting the door:" I will make it up to you sorry Yamada."

Hoseok walked away and get in taehyung's car...
Taehyung followed him and drove faster from there.

Hoseok:" do you like embarrassing me? Why making such a scene?"

Taehyung glanced at him and didn't say a word.

Hoseok:" so now you want to be quiet? I really don't understand..."

Taehyung:" keep your words till we get to a place so we can discuss how crazy I'm about you."

Hoseok heart throbbed *thoughts*:" he said what?? Where are we going?"

About half an hour later, he pulled over near the beach.

Hoseok:" I know what are you going to say..."

Taehyung: "hm?"

Hoseok:" what happened yesterday was so unprofessional to me to do it you decide to lower my status in work I completely understand..."

Taehyung:" DFK are you saying?? oh this man is trying to give me a headache."

Hoseok:" it is not? Then what do...you want to talk about?"

Taehyung stare at him heavenly as if it was only him and hoseok in the world exist he pulled him for a passionate kiss while hoseok couldn't resist the flavor of taehyung lips on his' slightly hoseok licked taehyung's upper lips then he sucked it leaving him a red swollen spot... Both knowing what they were doing was like committing a sin however the sin tasted sweet....

Taehyung hand moved smoothly from hoseok's face to his neck... He went slowly to stole a kiss from his neck but it wasn't that he couldn't bare the sweetness of hoseok's skin and gave him passionate hickey marking him as he making sure he belonged to him...

[ to be continued]

Vote and comment to help me to continue.

I was supposed to update yesterday but I got some issues on my Twitter accounts and it's was also my birthday! I will update the next chapter tomorrow.


-do you want this story to end soon or you wish it is long?

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