[The Plan]

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Taehyung walked the office with hoseok by his side, his highness mode was completely on, the glare the sharp features...

He sat down on the chair of hoseok's dad,
Taehyung:" what do you want to talk about?"
Lai:" I prefer in privacy." While staring at hoseok.

Taehyung:" if the thing you want to talk about isn't about work then don't waste my time."

Lai*sighed* and looked at hoseok's dad who was smoking his cigarette by the window while hearing the whole thing...

Lai:" well you made a serious new head for this area."

Taehyung grinned:" I made myself the head of the south and center of this country."

Lai:" well... Talking about the business how about an alliance with my companies, you will get more area in China with my support."

Taehyung:" stop playing this cool vibes and be honest what is your real intention?"

Lai:" seriously, I want our companies to work together it's good for both better than enemies."

Taehyung:" so you waited for me to be the head, and you thinking about the alliance out of a sudden?"

Hoseok's dad walked by them:" think about it taehyung it's good for us also the marriage all these are good opportunities."

Lai:" the what?"

Hoseok's dad:" you didn't know? My boy taehyung is engaged with the daughters of one the biggest chief of the yakuza." He said that with a proud look and chuckled.

Lai:" that's a very great deal, well taehyung think about it and give me an answer soon."

Taehyung stands up and wore his coat:" they will email you my answer soon."

Lai also stands up and tries to follow Taehyung to the door, he offered his hand for a handshake...

But hoseok middle in and glare at him:" was nice seeing you again Mr.Yau.

They left immediately, hoseok was driving and kept peeking on taehyung to make sure he is okay.
Hoseok: "do you want to go somewhere?"
Taehyung was deep in his thoughts...
Hoseok:" darling?"

Taehyung looked at him directly:" sorry!! Did you said something?"
Hoseok:" I was about to ask you where you want to go?"
Taehyung:" let's go home I want to just cuddle with you and do some work.."

Hoseok:" can you share with me what were you thinking about?"

Taehyung:" this Lai came in really bad timing I wanted to deal with his ass when I finish with the yakuza thing then your dad and after that this mf... But now I'm thinking about my plans all over again."
Hoseok:" I have a plan."

Taehyung:" if it involves you then hell no-
Hoseok:" the heck why??"
Taehyung:" last plan you offered led wang to kidnap you remember?"

Hoseok:" well... But listen to me when we get home I will tell you-

*Hoseok's phone ringing*

Hoseok:" its JIMIN!!!!" He picked up so fast:" ah jiminssi!! "

Jimin shoutout not in the same happy tone as hoseok's" Hoseok!! YAMADA IS INJURED!!!"

hoseok:" what?? Yamada?? Wait??? Where is he??"
Jimin:" Idk what happened but there was a mass shooting in the yakuza area!! He could escape but he was injured, I will share with you his location please help him."

Hoseok: "ok!!"

They changed their destination and went to save Yamada. At the same time namjoon called taehyung.
Namjoon:" the yakuza area was blown by unknown people, they killed your fiancee'dad as well... They killed everyone!!"

Taehyung: "I think I know who did that... What happened to Yuki, is she okay?"

Namjoon:" our men are still looking in the area but she is nowhere to be found.."

Taehyung:" keep me updated I gotta go." He hangs up

Hoseok:" do you think it's him???"
Taehyung:" I'm sure it's him... He knew about it before coming here and sat up everything and I know where is Yuki... He will use her to force me into the alliance."

Hoseok:" what are you going to do...?"

Taehyung:" I don't know... Seriously I don't know, I don't care about Yuki and after her dad died I'm free but I don't want her to suffer or die because of me I know how to be in control in Lai dirty hands. .."

Hoseok stared at him and then pulled over to bring Yamada in the car as soon as he spotted him.

Yamada was screaming because of the pain he was shot on his stomach...
Hoseok:" we will take you to the company hospital, they will take care of you don't worry!!!"

Taehyung:" what happened?"

Yamada:" I was at a meeting, then I met Yuki and we were talking until we heard shooting, we tried to run but they shot me and took her... I couldn't save her... "

Hoseok:" you were right about everything..."
taehyung:" I know him..."

After they took Yamada to the hospital they went back home, taehyung's phone was blown by calls..
Taehyung sat in the living room and kept thinking about a plan...
Hoseok brought coffee to him, he sat beside him... He was worried...

Hoseok:" what will happen now...?"

Taehyung:" big trouble. . .  the yakuza in Japan gonna investigate the area to find out who is behind it, Lai is not stupid he will never leave evidence behind him... Also Yuki... Ah... "

Hoseok:" I will call him.."

Taehyung:" the heck?? No?? As long as he didn't put his hands on you I'm calm."

Hoseok held taehyung's face with his hands:" trust me... I will tell you about my plan..."

After an hour, hoseok called Lai.

Lai:" who's this?"
Hoseok:" it's me "
Lai:" well, well the fox himself is calling me."
Hoseok:" that was a great move in the yakuza area."
Lai:" I don't know what are you talking about."
Hoseok:" aw... Let's stop pretending for once... Yuki i know you took her as well... Hear me out if you touched her, hurt her the deal won't be completed but if she is okay then the deal will be sent to you not by email but by me personally."

Lai:" she is okay, and I don't need your ass, all I need is taehyung and only him, I don't want to mess with you just because you are Jung's son because I swear I would have fcked you away from my boy."

Hoseok smirked:" the boy you are talking about, fucks me sooo good while calling my name..."

Lai couldn't take it anymore he shoutout:" what the fuck you want???? Yuki?? money?? Position?? I will give it to y'all in exchange stay the fck away from taehyung, he is mine!!!"

Hoseok:" I will text you my deal." He hangs up.

And came out the room, taehyung glared at him:" why didn't you want to talk in front of me aren't we team?"

Hoseok stares at him*thoughts*:" I'm sorry, I'm not honest with you, I know you will reject my plan to protect me but trust me I'm the one who gonna protect you this time..."

Hoseok walked to him and hugged him so tight...

Taehyung held him back, it felt as if they were hugging in the middle of a war...
Taehyung sniffed hoseok's hair while rubbing his nose on hoseok's neck:" I need you... Only you..."

Hoseok tears started falling  *thoughts*:" if anything happened to me....don't miss me as much I will miss you..."

Hoseok:" I love you...truly..."

[To be continued ] I'm sorry for taking so long to update I have been busy with  online exams!! But promise I will finish it as soon as possible.

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