[ for the last time ]

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The day of the mission has already come...
Everyone was ready, hoseok dress all black put on the speaker so he can communicate with taehyung.

Taehyung:" are you ready?"
Hoseok:" I'm so ready to end this shit."
Taehyung:" I will be right behind you so you don't have to worry."

Hoseok went outside and they were in the center which means where normally wang and his man are.

Hoseok was walking around, especially near to huge companies and buildings.

He enters a specific company, he asked the reception lady.

Hoseok:" is this wang company?"
She responded:" yes, do you have an appointment with him?"
Hoseok:" no! Anyway, I changed my mind I will be back another day."

Before he leaves he took off his mask and hat and looked around to make himself more suspicious.

Then he immediately left,
Hoseok:" you are behind me?"
Taehyung:" yeah, are you sure this will work?"

The guards in the company called wang:" we saw a guy who looked like the picture we are not sure if it's him, but should we follow him."
Wang:" yes, do it!"

A few minutes later, Hoseok felt that he is been followed so he started to walk quickly.

Taehyung:" what are you doing? You should run to the car already!! Hoseok? This is not what we planned Jung Hoseok!!!!! Fck-

Hoseok start to run in the opposite way to what they planned, they were running behind but they couldn't catch him especially in a crowded city.

Hoseok went back to the company, he knew he will see him there.

Wang was standing talking with his men.

Hoseok:" taehyung I will make him leave the company so do your thing with your men there."


Taehyung was across the road to see Hoseok getting on wang car with his own self...

Taehyung couldn't comprehend what happened, tears already in his eyes falling as he screamed out of his lungs : HOSEOK!!!!!!!!

he tried to run after it,  but he fell...his legs couldn't carry him..."

Few minutes his men successfully get in the company and controlled everything there and closed it from inside and outside.

Namjoon:" calm down please."
Taehyung:" how can I stay calm??? Hoseok is between wang hands!! The head could not handle the news and he is hospitalized!!! That wasn't the fcking plan he tricked us so he can help us but that's bad!!! Shiiit what should I do now?? I'm losing my mind namjoon-

Namjoon:" I feel you, he is important to everyone here but we should not panic and think about new plans."

Taehyung brushes his hair off his face:" important? You are funny namjoon... He is not just the son of my boss... I fucking love that man and no one can feel me...

Namjoon:" I will go look for any information on their other hiding places."

Taehyung sat there for a while thinking by himself about everything... He was hurt...the idea he won't be able to see him once again couldn't leave his mind...:" hoseok... I should have protected you, my love..."

Later that night, taehyung walked to namjoon he was still searching.

Taehyung:" did you find anything?
Namjoon:" nothing, but now I hacked some text messages and I found them talking about the tower-like "let's meet at the tower" but what tower? There is no specification."

Taehyung's phone rang, he took look and he seemed stunned!!
Taehyung:" it's hoseok!!!!!!!!!
Namjoon:" what???

Taehyung:" hoseok?? You are there??"
Hoseok*whispring*:" shush!!! Keep it quiet, I turned on my GPS so you can track me no-
Taehyung sounds worried:" are you okay?? Where are you??"

While namjoon was already tracking the call on his computer.

Hoseok:" I can't talk a lot but I'm okay, they put me in a room there is one window but it is high I can't reach it... Oh, wait maybe I could see something if I jumped-

He puts the phone away and jumped a few times. He picked it up again.
Hoseok:" all I can see is a red electric tower."

Taehyung and namjoon looked at each other its must be the same tower...
Hoseok:" oh shit!! I hear someone coming." he hides the phone in the room carefully.

Wang enters with two of his men,
Wang:" search him."
Hoseok smirked.

Wang:" well, well you are in my hands that was quite easy, I did not expect taehyung the highness my ass to be this dumb."
His men:" there is nothing on him sir."

Wang:" tie him with the chair and bring me the stuff I told you about."

Hoseok was calm the whole time.
Wang:" so my little boy, as you can see we took a photo of your back which is full of numbers and words and other things ... But we couldn't figure it out,  supposedly you are the only one who can see it, so my boy read it for me and you will be safe."

Hoseok: "fuck you."
Wang: "oh my boy is playing cool, are you sure I'm asking you nicely."
Hoseok:" and I said fuck you so fuck you."

Wang:" you love the hard way,  don't you? I'm so happy I will play with you all night long."

He tortured and beat him in all forms without compassion, even though hoseok was suffering, but he did not drop a tear.

Hours and hours of torturing him, but he still refuses to speak.

Hoseok was in a deplorable state... The blood was everywhere, unable to stand, he couldn't see anything... He couldn't breathe...he fainted.

Wang:" ugh how useless, don't think this is over."
Odigiri entred:" you are still here, he didn't speak? "
Wang:" no, this son of a bitch."
Odigiri:" let's continue tomorrow, you look tired."
Before they left, they saw hoseok trying to wipe the blood off his eyes hard, trembling...

Odigiri:" wait I think he needs help."
Wang:" huh? "

Odigiri unbuttons his jeans and peed on hoseok while laughing about it with Wang.

Hoseok felt sick, he cried alone in the dark...
Despretly unable to move whispering taehyung name... " taehyung.. If I'm going to die at least want to see you for the last time..."

[To be continued]

I'm so sorry for this long delay everything is going with the globe   is freaking me out, my country is in danger please stay safe.

I did double uploads so please if you enjoy vote and comment your opinion I love you guys. ❤

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