[ First time 🔞]

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The day before their last day in France was a day off, they slept until a late hour, then hoseok woke up and get ready...

Taehyung opened his eyes hardly:" where..are you going?"

Hoseok:" to buy some souvenir for Jimin and yamada...go back to sleep darling." He smooched taehyung's forehead and went out.

Meanwhile, Taehyung went back to sleep, Hoseok took a taxi around the city... He then asked the taxi driver:" please Can you take me to this shop?" He showed him his phone.
Taxi driver:" it is a little far from here but it's okay."

[Hours later]

Taehyung woke up, took bath and had breakfast, he then finished some work on his laptop he checked his phone it was getting late 5 pm he called Hoseok just to make sure he is alright but sadly he didn't pick up... Taehyung didn't want to freak out and jump into a crazy conclusion...but he was worried...

He waited another hour and called him again but no response, he called his men and when they came he asked them.
Taehyung:" so you are telling me no one from all of you went with him???"
One of them spoke:" we asked him... But be said it's okay.."
Taehyung got on his limit:" and you were okay with that!!! Get your ass outside and look for him!!"

Taehyung started getting anxious and worried if anything wrong happened with hoseok...

After a few hours, taehyung couldn't sit at the hotel doing nothing so he went to look for him alone in his car.

He was trembling...many thoughts start haunting his head... He remembered the time when hoseok was kidnapped and the way he found him in it, he stopped the car and shouted out of his lungs hoseok's name...

Just a few minutes he got a phone call from his men:" he is here!!! He is in the hotel Highness!!"

Taehyung drove quickly back to the hotel, when he got there he went running to their room as soon as he opened the door he hugged hoseok tightly and sobbed...

Hoseok was so confused...:" Why are you crying?? What happened? Taehyungie.... I can't breathe..."

Taehyung let him...and stepped back:" where the fck you were?"

Hoseok:" buying souvenirs for my friends... We didn't have the time to do some shopping."

Taehyung:" I called you!!! I was worried anything could have happen to you!! And you are here acting as nothing happens you have no idea how I was scared I even went looking for yo-

Hoseok kissed him...:" it's the only way that would shush you...
I went a bit far from here to make something.. And my phone unfortunately died... I think you should stop worrying about me don't forget that I run from you my highness like... "

Taehyung *sighed *:" what did you buy?"

Hoseok:" omg!!! Come here... So I was thinking to have something for you and me... And don't wanna be a  cringy boyfriend who  just buy rings or necklace so I went to this shop where they teach you to make cute bracelets... So I made us matching bracelet here mine is the red and yours is the green."

Taehyung was touched by hoseok's gift, he wore it:" I love it... A lot...thank you love..."

Hoseok:" omg!! You do!!! Ah~~ I was worried you will find it childish also does it fit well?? Cause your hands are bigger than mine."

Taehyung:" it's fit amazingly... Thank you... Give me a kiss...*pout*

As soon as Hoseok get closer, taehyung grabbed him from his waist then he roughly pinned hoseok against the wall and slammed his lips against hoseok's,  it was a goddam hot kiss Hoseok felt his face turn a gleaming red and immediately wrapped his arms around taehyung's neck and stood on his tiptoes as he kissed back.

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