[the kiss]

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The next weeks we're passing as hell for hoseok, taehyung overworked him and made him do a lot in one time.

Hoseok was on his way to taehyung's office.
Hoseok walked in:" I have already sent them everything as you order, do you need anything?"

Taehyung grinned :" I want to make a party on the hotel organize everything and invite these people." He handed him a paper.

Hoseok sighed:" yes, sir."

When hoseok left, taehyung got a call from namjoon.
Namjoon:" so how things are going with hoseok."
Taehyung:" he is trying to be strong soon he will lose."
Namjoon:" PFT easy on him."
Taehyung:" anyway did you gather the information I told you about."
Namjoon:" yes I will send you the file."
Taehyung smirked:" nice."

Later in the evening, taehyung was leaving the building.
Hoseok followed him:" I have organized the party and took care of everything."

Taehyung:" and now cancel it, I have another work."
Hoseok was on his limits:" what?? Cancel??? I already invited people."
Taehyung:" yeah send an apology and gifts."
Hoseok shoutout:" to 100+ people????"

Taehyung:" it's your job." and left by the elevator, leaving hoseok speechless, he spends the night canceling the party, emailing people apology with presents.

At 5 am in the morning, he slept on his desk, With a lot of missed phone calls from Jimin.

Meanwhile, Taehyung walked to his car in the morning, he asked the driver:" where is hoseok?"
The driver said that he called him but he didn't pick up."

Taehyung:" well, well."

Luckily The other Secretary woke up hoseok when they saw him sleeping.
Hoseok was in rush:" Ah!!!!
I haven't picked him, send me the schedule hurry!!!!"

Hoseok went to his office and started organizing his desk when he finished he put down his favorite coffee while checking today schedule.

Taehyung stepped behind him, minutes later.

Taehyung sat down:" why didn't you come to pick me?"
Hoseok:" I'm sorry I didn't even go to my own house yesterday, I had a lot to do."

Hoseok*thoughts*:" it's all because of you!!! I hope you choke on that coffee."

Taehyung grinned and took a sip of the Coffee:" listen I don't care, this the last time I won't forgive you when this happens again."

Hoseok:" yes..."

Taehyung:" so what is today's schedule?"
Hoseok:" you don't have a lot, you have lunch with Mr.Chaoxiang."

Taehyung:" he already came from China."
Hoseok:" I did reservation, he also sent you a lot of gifts via email."

Taehyung:" okay pick them up to my house."

Hoseok:" but... You never accepted any gifts from anyone."

Taehyung:" Chao is different."

Hoseok was curious...:" okay.."

Hoseok left his office and went straight head to search about Chao Xiang.

Minutes later, hoseok was going through his profile:" So this is him...I thought he will be old businessman... He is only 32, he has five companies 3 in China, one in Korea, and other in USA...hmm..so he is the head just like taehyung..but what is their relationship? He never told me about him... Who should I ask...think hoseok..."

He moved his chair towards the other Secretary:" hey do you know him?" While showing him a picture.

He moved his chair towards the other Secretary:" hey do you know him?" While showing him a picture

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