[silent pain] pt 2

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The next couple of hours on the airplane were so long for hoseok.

He land to Korea finally, at the midnight he took taxi to his old house.. He was suprised to find it locked.
Hoseok:" what the hell?? Who changed the locks??"
He called his father :" dad how are you?"
His father respond confused:" why are you calling in the midnight son?"

Hoseok:" well I'm here.. And I wanted to rest on my old house but it's locked. "
His father:" you are here??? Then come to my house what wrong with you!! your grandma is here too."
Hoseok:"alright...don't ask taehyung to pick me.. "

Hoseok was walking to the bus station then he noticed car pulled next to him.
Hoseok:" god please not him please."
He opened the car and saw taehyung.
He sighed and sat behind and didn't say a word.

Taehyung:" I thought you will be back the next Sunday."
Hoseok was checking his phone, and uninterested to answer him.

Taehyung*thoughts*:" I fucking missed him...i want to hug,kiss,fuck him all now. "

Hoseok was looking through the window :"oh stop!!"
Taehyung:"why? "
Hoseok:" pull over hurry."

Taehyung did so, hoseok get out of the car and hugged a guy was standing there.
Taehyung was madly confused he didn't know how to react.

Hoseok:" I didn't thought you will come."
The guy:" how can I leave you, thank you for driving him,i will take him with me."

Taehyung couldn't just continue, he went out of the car and asked him:" and who are you? "

Hoseok:"a? None of your damn business lets go babe. "
Taehyung whispering :" b-babe??? "

The guy looked at taehyung deadly then he smirked.

Taehyung felt helpless...he let him go... Watching him walking hand on hand with another man, smiling happily.

Taehyung went back to his car.
Taehyung:" I want every information about that guy since he was kid to now. "
His butler :" yes highness."

Hoseok and the guy got at his apartment.
Hoseok:" OMG thank you for earlier!!! "
Yamada:" no it's nothing, jimin told me what is my part haha oh by the way I'm should introduce myself self properly I'm yamada ryosuke I'm Japanese I run a Japanese restaurant here."

Hoseok:" yeah jimin couldn't shut up about your cook when you did visit him to America, my pleasure to meet you.'

Yamada gently smiled:" you can stay over and rest."

Hoseok:"oh! I'm so tired I will sleep I have a lot to do tomorrow."
The guy:" are you hungry? Do you want me to bring you anything?"
Hoseok:" no it's okay I'm not hungry I will just sleep."
The guy:"if I won't treat you right Jimin will fly from San Francisco and sue me."

Hoseok:" he is cute bubbly I can't imagine him doing that."
The guy:"well I will go to my room, good night. "
Hoseok:" good night."

The next morning, hoseok woke up early made breakfast, took bath and dressed.

And walked outside heading to his father house, he greeted him and his grandma.
Hoseok:" i want to work in the company. "
His father:" why? I can give you how much you want."
Hoseok:" no!! I want to be part of running your business with taehyung and that's my decision I don't want any sepcial treatment I want to work like any one else and get paid the same."

His father:" well if that what you want then it's okay, do you want anything else. "
Hoseok:" yeah I want my own expensive apartment."
Hos father:" wait he made simple phone call and gave hoseok his address :"go here and they will give you the keys, and take any car from the garage."

Hoseok:"thank you."
He took the most expensive car and drove it to the company."
He went up right to taehyung office.
Hoseok smirked:" you will see who is the Bitch in this relationship."

He walked there without knocking whike Taehyung was having conversations on the phone with namjoon.
Taehyung:" wait.. I will call you later."
He put his phone and stared at hoseok..

Hoseok:" I will work, here my documents. "
Taehyung:" no you won't."
Hoseok:" oh yes I will and it decided."
Taehyung:" I will get you a job in another normal company but not this."

Hoseok:" oh Bitch don't start that shit, this place is dangerous and I'm afraid I will lose you. Fuck you I will work here and That's on that. "

Taehyung:" I'm supposed to be your boss then, why are you addressing me like that. "
Hoseok:" actually you are my shitty ex."

Taehyung walked toward him :" I don't want to be aggressive with you, honestly I will fuck you if you ever spoke to me in that street tone."

Hoseok almost got tears in his eyes.. He sighed...

Hoseok:"are you really interested in girls...? "
Taehyung lift his head and gaze at hoseok...hoseok..starts getting closer.. He was losing himself to taehyung eyes.. Wanting to kiss him..

Hoseok:"a..answer me. "
Hoseok:"who is she? Who is this women who made you not interested in m-

Hoseok grabbed taehyung's neck tie and pressed his lips on taehyung's cheek and whispered:" I can hear your heart beats... Please tell me all this..is lie...please.."

he fell on his knees:" be with me... I'm begging you... "

Taehyung heart broken into pieces :"listen, I know it's so hard to get over someone you love but that what happened so accept the reality."
He gently helped him to stand up...

Hoseok:"I never thought this will end like that but I respect your decision but I have condition don't you ever get near to me romantically, mind your business, don't you dare fuck with my personal life."

Taehyung:" alright, I will call the secretary to guide you to your office. "

Hoseok left with broken heart... But that didn't stop him from doing his best in his job.

Taehyung called the boss of hoseok office.
Taehyung:" listen I want him to quit this job in a week, I don't care how much pressure YOI gonna put him on, don't let him breath."

Taehyung hang up and tuned to the window :" we can't be in the same place or I will ended up fucking him on my desk... And breaking the promise I made for his father... "

[to be continued]

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Stay safe ♡

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