[ i'm nothing]

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Hoseok stopped taehyung by gently  shoving him :" I don't understand what is happening?"

Taehyung leans back to his seat:" sorry I should have explained before jumping for a kiss..."

Hoseok:" so explain.."

Taehyung:" I don't want us to act as nothing happened we both want each other...and I'm so sick of hurting you and hurting myself I freaking love you, I never thought of breaking up with you it was all your father decision and I couldn't refuse-

Hoseok:" w-wait! What? You mean my dad forced you to break with me?"

Taehyung:" yes, after you left to America he knew about us and I thought he would be okay with it but he said some hurtful words to me as how disgusted he was... He said " break up with my son and let him live a normal life or I will bring someone else in your place-"

Hoseok:" but you are the most important part of this business without you the company is nothing he knows that!"

Taehyung:" of course I know but your dad would do anything to split us...and to humiliate me I worked my ass to become the head, everyone calls me a heartless not knowing that working under your dad and raised by him was the most terrifying thing in my life..."

Hoseok:" so what are you going to do? I mean about us?"

Taehyung:" I will tell you my plan so my fiancee dad is not actually from the yakuza and he is an undercover agent for a Russian mafia, if the yakuza and the heads in Korea knew about it he will be dead, however, I don't have enough shreds of evidence, I'm working on it so I can break this engagement and get him dead for betraying us."

Hoseok:" I will help you as well."

Taehyung held Hoseok thin beautiful hands and smooch them:" all I want you to do is  to be with me, listen let's keep our relation as a secret because my fiancee father is trying his best to find my weakness."

Hoseok:" but... I thought you don't have any weakness?"

Taehyung gazes at Hoseok eyes:" you are my weakness."

Hoseok's heart pounded and got shy:" I can't tell my friends?"

Taehyung:" even your friends."
Hoseok:" please let me tell  only Jimin..."

Taehyung *sighed*:" okay if that will make you glad."

Hoseok:" wait I don't actually believe we are sitting together.."

Taehyung:" I did a huge mistake by leaving you, and this won't happen again I promise you, do you want to go somewhere?"

Hoseok:" let's go to your apartment and order some food I'm really hungry."

Taehyung grinned:" I will eat you."

Later on taehyung apartment,
They were eating together while watching tv, taehyung couldn't move his eyes off hoseok...

Hoseok:" what? Why are you looking at me?"

Taehyung:" nothing I'm just happy that you are here."

Hoseok leans on taehyung's shoulder:" same."

It was the most peaceful moment they ever felt ... They just wanted each other... How beautiful life seemed when they were side by side as an ocean in their veins pouring with love, as if they were born to love each other.

At night,

Hoseok:" I have to go."
Taehyung:" wait? Where?"
Hoseok:" to home..."

Taehyung:" stay over..."
Hoseok held taehyung face:" I can't, I have to go."

He walked him by the door:" you sure you don't want me to drive you home?"

Hoseok was wearing his shoes: "yeah I will take a taxi."

Taehyung:" kiss me once again."

Hoseok turns behind him and kissed taehyung's lips...and glance at him once before he leave...

Hoseok:" see you tomorrow."

Taehyung licked his lips:" good night."

An hour later, hoseok walked home, he saw Jimin in the kitchen.

Hoseok:" i'm home, how was your interview?"

Jimin ignored him and went to his room, hoseok followed him:" what wrong? Why  are you mad?"

Jimin:" oh maybe because you ditched Yamada for your psycho ex, you really hurt him."

Hoseok:" I can explain."

Hoseok told jimin everything,
Jimin:" okay now things make sense to me... I can't believe you hid from me that you kissed yesterday!!"

Hoseok:" I didn't believe myself that we kissed...but here I told you everything.."

Jimin:" if you are happy I'm happy, you love him and he loves you and that the only thing that's  matter however if he dares hurt you again I'm making sure to end him."

Hoseok:" don't worry, anyway should I call Yamada and apologize?"

Jimin:"um...uh...About that... I think you should apologize face to face he was really mad..."

Hoseok:" Ah!! I fucked up tomorrow I will go to see him first."

In the next morning, hoseok get up early he prepared himself and made breakfast and left first heading to  Yamada's apartment.

When he made it there, he knocked a few times, Yamada opened the door he rolled his eyes:" what?"

Hoseok:" I'm sorry... I know I was wrong.. I brought you your favorite sweet * purely smiling at him*

Yamada blushed...but brush it off

Hoseok:" so do you forgive me?"

Yamada:" hm..yea.."

Hoseok hugged him tightly:" ah my shorty, I won't do it again."

Yamada gently rubbed his nose on hoseok chest...

Hoseok:" ah!!! i'm late at work I gotta go please let's eat at my house tonight and play video games like always I will be home early ok!! See yea have a nice day at work!!!"

Yamada closed the door behind him:" This is so wrong... I think I like him more than a friend... Ah!! There is no chance he is crazy about that scary dude...and I'm just small foreign chef...i'm nothing.."

Taehyung woke up and get ready when he walked in the car and  saw hoseok he couldn't resist not kissing him...

Hoseok pushed him gently:" stop!! You said we will keep it a secret!!"

Taehyung *pout*:" but I missed you already.."

Hoseok:" highness!"

Taehyung:" ahem...yes!"

Hoseok:" it's work time, so let me tell about today's schedule and I don't want you to treat me any less than you used to do."

Taehyung:" so you are asking me to overwork you."

*Hoseok nodded *

Taehyung grinned *thoughts*:" what a weird boyfriend I have but I love him.."

[To be continued]

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Thank you all for the birthday wishes have a nice day/ night.

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