[ that side of me]

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In the afternoon of the same day when Hoseok escaped.

He was tired of running, he wanted to take rest so he leaned over a tree and drunk some water from what he stole.
Hoseok:" ugh I have been running for hours but this fucking forest has no end? There is no road I wonder where am I? I have to hurry or they will catch me."

Meanwhile, taehyung was in his office pissed off.
Butler:" We are looking for him, highness he can't get away please calm yourself."

Taehyung:" you have to find him before it gets darker or  I will go look for him by myself this forest is dangerous and he has nothing to defend himself..I'm worried.. I just want him back safe.."

Butler:" we will do our best,  excuse me."
When he left, taehyung got a phone call.

Taehyung: "yes namjoon?"
Namjoon:" why aren't you here yet?"
Taehyung:" for the meeting? I will be there by the time I have to deal with a problem."

Namjoon:" wang begin his move to the west."
Taehyung *smirked*:"   already? What about the head what does he want?"
Namjoon:" probably join the force of the east but he still wants your final decision in the meeting."
Taehyung: "I will arrive  the next morning, take care of the things there."
Namjoon:" no worries."

Taehyung immediately changed and went to search for hoseok.
His butler was following trying to stop him:"wait!! Highness."

Taehyung:" don't worry I have a gun with me, stay on the charge...and don't pick up my phone calls even if it was the head itself."

Taehyung digs into the forest, deeper until he disappeared.

After 4hours right before the sunset with minutes.

Hoseok couldn't walk anymore, he was tired...
Out of a sudden, he decides to climb on tree however the trees in the forest were so high.
He starts trying to get up there so he can have  idea where he should go..

After trying and trying he finally managed to at least be on the top while holding into the trunk of the tree. And when he could have view, he was speechless, his face became pale..his tears start falling down on his cheeks without realizing it
Hoseok:" did... He really kidnapped  to an ISLAND??????"

He could see the forest then a sea and the only building on that island was the castle...
His legs became weaker... he lost his balance and fell from the tree when he yelled,

Taehyung and few guards weren't far could hear him ...
Taehyung:" he is close go!!!"
Hoseok broke his arm and rolled his ankle.
He tried to get up but the pain was getting worse his eyes were all red full with tears he kept repeating:" I will get my revenge... I will get my revenge taehyung."

Minutes later, taehyung could finally find him he rushed to him and held him in his arms when he realized that he just faint he sighed: "Ah.. I was worried."
Hoseok could feel someone holding him warmly he hate it but it made me feel safe...

[Next day ]

Hoseok opened his eyes and tried to remember what happened.
The last thing he remembers that he was warmly carried by someone.
He looked beside him and found a guy sitting in the chair he was wearing hospital uniform.

Hoseok: "w-water.."
The nurse helped him to drink.
Hoseok:" what is my injury?"
The nurse:" you will never be able to walk again."
Hoseok: "WHAT?????"

at that moment taehyung walked into the room.
Taehyung glare at the nurse:" get out."
The nurse:" excuse me highness."
Hoseok turns his face to the other side.

Taehyung:" you don't want to see me?"
Hoseok:" you are the last person I want to see."
Taehyung:" why is that? I didn't harm you."
*Teasing hoseok*
taehyung:" you shouldn't have  escaped from the castle."
Hoseok:" fucking end my life!!! End my life and let my ghost hunt you for the rest of your life."

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