[ he came back]

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Few weeks have passed.

Hoseok was on the elevator on his way to Taehyung office.

He walked in, namjoon was there too, Hoseok greeted him and start discussing Today plans.

Taehyung:" I forget about the event I'm throwing this weekend!!"
Hoseok:" oh!! About that, I knew that last week, I made everything and I sent the invitation, it's gonna be good for us this party."

Namjoon smirked:" your boyfriend is hardworking!!"

Taehyung:" he is, anyway I want you to invite these people  add them in the side list, I will send you now."

Hoseok checked his tablet:" and who are these? Why they weren't in the main list?"
Namjoon:" these are important than the others, we tend not to add them on the main list just in case some enemies catch their names, these people like to keep their identity unknown."

Hoseok was listening while searching for more details.

Hoseok:" funny... Because all of them even go with fake names.."

Taehyung and namjoon looked at each other with surprise glance.

Taehyung:" you always amaze me with your cleverness."

Hoseok didn't even bother to take the compliment and kept on his research:" I'm going to continue my work, if you need something call me." He left while still staring at his tablets...

Namjoon chuckled:" he is serious."
Taehyung:" he takes his job seriously sometimes more than I do, once he even  stopped in the  middle of sex just to ask me  some info about our company in South Africa and if he can go for the meeting there."

Namjoon:" what did you say? Are you letting him go?"

Taehyung:" I was annoyed and I just continue doing it while he kept insisting to go...if Hoseok wants something I can not stay on his way... I will let him go with 100 men to protect him since I can't leave my position."

A few days later [ the weekend event]

The event Hoseok only organized was doing tremendous and everything was going smoothly and nicely.

Taehyung was wearing his black well-designed suits while holding a glass of wine with his left hand.
He was surrounded by few businessmen... He was keeping his eye on Hoseok who was walking over the mansion to make sure everything is well done.

Hoseok catches someone who looked like nothing on his list...he memorized all the faces of the guests... And his face wasn't one of them. He walked to the doorway and asked them butlers in the charge of welcoming about the men who walked earlier.

The butler was terrified of Hoseok:" he... Is not on the list...but he convinced me that it was a mistake and he showed me his card and I  could not say no."

Hoseok:" I'm this close to knock you the fck down!! Who the fck is he so you won't reject?'

The Butler responded trembling:" it's the majesty Yau Lai.."

Hoseok eyes opened widely, he was shaking and fears start filling his eyes, his mind was blank thinking about only one thing... Taehyung,

He ran to look for taehyung before they see each other... However, Hoseok was late he saw Lai standing right in front of Taehyung giving him the horrible smirk ... Taehyung on the other hand seems like he saw a ghost...he never expects them to meet .. Hoseok grabbed a glass of drink and ran towards Lai and bumped into him splashing the drink over his white suits...

Hoseok:" omg!!! I'm sorry sir!! I'm so sorry!!"
Lai:" no, it's fine."

Taehyung was confused...

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