[its over ]

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The Next day, hoseok woke up with a strong headache, he went to the kitchen and drank some cold water.
Hoseok:" ah!! I drunk a lot yesterday's night...wait did I drove by myself?? Ah... I can't remember a thing.."

Hoseok went to the company, on his way to the office, he notices that the company is kinda empty... He asked a coworker confused:" where is everyone?"

The coworker was in a hurry:" We have a meeting then the engagement party I gotta go!!"

Hoseok walked to his office:" no one mentioned the meeting and a party?? Well, whatever I'm not invited."

In Taehyung's Hotel, they were all there.. namjoon, Adrian, Jung and many businesses men at the largest party hall.
Namjoon whispered to taehyung: "hoseok is not here."

Taehyung:" yeah I know I deleted his invitation, I don't want him here..."
Namjoon:" but he will find out..."

Hoseok was working as usual until his boss passes by:" what are you doing?? Why weren't you at the meeting?"
Hoseok:" I wasn't told we have meet..".
His boss seemed confused:" I remember I sent you a text anyway I gotta deal with things go after me to the part where the address."

Hoseok packs his stuff and took his car to the specific address.

Hoseok:" ah... I'm tired why would they have this party.."

He walked in, bodyguards didn't let him in.
Hoseok:" I'm Jung's son."

Bodyguard:" wait here we will confirm it." since he was not having his invitation.

While he was waiting he asked:" who's engagement?"

The bodyguard:" highness? You should know? Are you sure you are Jung?"
Hoseok head was blank he couldn't comprehend what he heard...

After they let him...the way to the hall seemed so long... He was walking slowly steps...

Hoseok*thoughts*:" do... They mean the same highness...as Taehyung... I feel my heart gonna leave my chest any moment, I have never wished I was wrong like this. .. He can't be engaged there is no way absolutely... I'm just tired I just didn't hear them well. .. "

while opening the door to the hall... He was looking around with his eyes, there were a lot of people...confused.. when he saw the big tv screen taehyung and women he doesn't know her...and big sign written " congratulations on your engagement.."

He felt like that room was moving upside down he almost fell luckily someone grabbed him...
Hoseok looked at him:" thank- Adrian??"

Adrian stares at him for a while:" I guess you didn't know... Taehyung is going to get married to the daughter of the yakuza.."

Taehyung noticed Hoseok...he was standing there pale...

Taehyung:" fuck!!!! Who called him??????"

On his way hurrying to him, her father grabbed him:" wait let's take more pictures-"
Taehyung:" I can't!!! I have to deal with something...." He runs towards Hoseok.

Taehyung:" what are you doing?"
Hoseok gaze at him silently, Adrian left to tell namjoon.

Hoseok smirked out of pain:" why didn't you invite me... You think I would not be happy for you...?"

Taehyung:" let's talk in another room."
Hoseok angrily and broken..:" you are right how could I be happy for you marrying someone who is not me... How could you taehyung... How could you hurt me in this dirty way..."
He begins inhaling and exhale so he can at least stand on his trembling legs.

Taehyung:" I thought you moved on too and you have a boyfriend."

Hoseok:" please as if you didn't do a whole research about me and Yamada and found literally nothing... I..i...i don't know what to say... I can't move quickly as you did... I truly love you... And I wish I never did... You hurt me... I'm mad at myself more at you.." He was shivering even though it wasn't cold.

VHOPE/VOPE IN THE KIDNAPPER Where stories live. Discover now