[the Highness]

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After hoseok left taehyung's room he went outside for a walk.

Hoseok:" What does he mean I will know everything when the time is right? He really wants me to trust him or what? Ew."

While he was walking and talking to himself,
He met someone walking around too by himself he didn't seem like one of the guards he noticed hoseok staring at him.

Hoseok gets closer:" were... you kidnapped too?"
The guy just stares at him..without saying a word.

Hoseok:" I'm planning to get out of here, so let's work together."
The guy grabbed his phone and typed.
Hoseok:" YOU HAVE PHONE!!!"
he handed hoseok his phone

Hoseok looked at it and read:

I can't talk but I can hear you, also I'm not kidnapped actually the highness is my lover.


the guy took his phone again and started typing. And when He finishes he landed it to hoseok.

It said:

I'm not officially his boyfriend, he doesn't fully accept me but he cares about me, you can say it is love from one side I love him to death because he saved me, don't bad mouth him please."

Hoseok: "okay so you know why I'm here?"
The guy shook his head as no.
Hoseok:" hmm so he didn't tell you..okay can you tell me about him more like what is his weak-

Taehyung yelled:" ADRIAN!!"
hoseok*thoughts*:" he has foreign name..no wonder he looked unfamiliar.."

Adrian was scared and went to taehyung.
Taehyung glared at him:" didn't I tell you not to talk to him? Are you disobeying me?"

Hoseok: "hold up bitch stop talking to him like that!!"
Taehyung: "this has nothing to do with you, Adrian go to your room." He gets closer to hoseok.

Hoseok:" what are you looking at?"

Taehyung:" listen I'm being nice but you are keeping disrespecting me in front everyone and I can't stand it." Unexpectedly taehyung shoved his hand on hoseok neck and choke him firmly, hoseok was struggling to escape but he was hopeless he couldn't breathe it was painful..with no mercy
Taheyung:" don't you dare disrespect me! Don't you dare talk to Adrian, don't you dare leave the house without my permission got it?"
Hoseok glare at him with dreadful eyes enormous of tears: "k-keep dreaming."

Taehyung let him go, hoseok fell down in the ground...

Taehyung went back to the castle.
The butler:" excuse me highness you have a phone call."

Taheyung walked to his office and closed the door behind him.
Taheyung:" hello?"
The caller:" I didn't expect I will find your number it was a bit hard."
Taehyung smirked:" Odigiri it has been a while, you were slow to shoot me."

Odigiri:" HAHA yeah I was disappointed."
Taehyung:" as you should."
Odigiri:" so he is with you?"
Taehyung:" I don't know what are you talking about."
Odigiri: "you know I'm talking about hoseok... you are genius I can't even get your location."
Taehyung: "suck my dick." He hangs up and threw the phone and immediately shot at it.

Meanwhile, odigiri was on his computer trying to hack taehyung phone but he couldn't:" fuck!!!"
Wang:" Why are you mad?"
Odigiri:" I can't log in all their systems, it's all because of him.. Kill him..kill namjoon."
Wang:" calm your self, I will kill them all one by one until I find my baby boy..."

Hoseok was in his bedroom laying down, while the tears were falling down on his pillow:" why is this happening to me I wish this is a nightmare my grandma will wake me up soon...enough...I'm hurt... But it is not the time to cry hoseok... I have to start planning... Oh, taehyung you messed up with the wrong person."

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