[ we will reunite ] 💕

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Taehyung and the men make it to the location at 4 am in the morning, they found only one unknown building without security guards that area was empty if people and other buildings...

Taehyung:" wait let me first find the window hoseok saw the red electric tower, he made quick and carefully moves after a couple of minutes he found a very high small window which faces that tower.
Taehyung:" I think this it, you two help me to get there. "

Two of his men carried him on their shoulders, he tried to open it and it was open:" okay let me I'm gonna jump."

His men:" please be careful."
He jumped without hesitation and he almost slipped:" shit I almost fell... "
He turns on the flashlight on the ground and it was blood... A lot of blood...

He moved his flash trembling around the room wishing this blood don't belong to his hoseok...
He saw him... There... In that terrible case.

He went and fell on his knees and held him tightly:" I'm sorry... I will revenge... I promise."
Hoseok felt his presence... He felt warm and safe... He closed his eyes peacefully.

Taehyung called his men: "you two take him right now to the hospital when you get far from this area call the helicopter so you can make it quickly,  the rest make your weapon ready we gonna shoot every fucking fucker here...

They unlocked the room and the shooting started, they shot everyone there...

Taehyung saw Wang running up to the rooftop he runs after him and caught him.

Wang:" don't you dare, we can make a deal-
Taehyung put the gun on his mouth and shot himuncertainty with dead eyes... Knows no fear and only wants to kill.

Wang fell on the ground:" I...i... He was bleeding, it is his last life seconds

Taehyung shot him five times to end him. Then he heard a helicopter, he runs there to find odigiri trying to escape, he throws himself and grabbed him from his leg, he started hitting him in the face to let him go but nothing can stop an angry Highness he dragged him down with him they fell on the rooftop

Odigiri was all dizzy trying to reach his gun, little did he knows taehyung was already standing behind him he shot his hand. While hearing him screaming  out of the pain he shot his leg then his other hand torturing him...

Odigiri:" finish...me already you bitch."
Taehyung:" you are not the one to tell me what to do and don't."
His men get there:" highness we end everyone and we found their secretive bank downstairs."

Taehyung:" their money is useless we will give them or may burn it- while making eye contact with odigiri giving him a   sarcastic smirk.

His men:" what about him what should we do?"
Taehyung:" do whenever you like but kill him slowly."
His men:" ha as you wish Highness can we fuck him before we kill him?"

Taehyung:" as you like." And left.

Odigiri:" what do you mean fuck bitches I'm the one who gonna fuck y'all!!! no!!! noo!!! I said end me!!!!"

Taehyung gets in the car:" take me to the hospital where is hoseok."

He was worried...he kept blaming himself for being late...over and over.

[Two weeks later]

Taehyung makes it to his castle.
His butler:" Highness! I didn't expect you will come this early."
Taehyung:" how is he?"

The butler:" his injuries are healing, but he won't talk to anyone and he refuses to eat however his nurse managed to convince him to eat."

Taehyung knocked in the door.

Hoseok rolled his eyes and looked at his nurse:" tell them to fuck off."
His nurse:" alright-

Taehyung get there...hoseok heart started beating fast...he didn't saw him since that day...

His nurse left the room and closed the door behind her immediately.

Taehyung:" can I come closer?"
Hoseok:" now? Until now? You couldn't take the time to see me? You should have been the one taking care of me?? Claiming that you love me? Really? I fucking needed you, I cried for days thinking that I'm nothing to you! You didn't even bother yourself to call? All I needed to heal me was you! You are such disappointment...you have nothing to say right?"

Taehyung bites his lips:" I'm really sorry."
Hoseok:" please get the fuck out."

His nurse entered:" I'm sorry highness I wasn't dropping ear, but to make it clear hoseok, that everything is on the highness shoulder since your dad is still in the coma, the South and the center business including Tokyo area too all are on him."

Taehyung shoutout:" leave."

The nurse:" no I'm not, so to let you know that he made this time for you and came to see you welcome him with this bullshit instead of hugging each other, I don't care if I will get fired but you should know that as much as you are hurt he is hurt too if you slept these 2 weeks I bet he didn't just for your sake too and for everyone who works under your father and NOW excuses ME."

Hoseok:" ... How come my dad is hospitalized?"

Taehyung:" after he knew wang kidnapped you... He couldn't accept the news...I'm sorry...for not taking care of you when you needed me the most.."

Hoseok:" no...its me who should apologize I acted like a moron... I just...miss you so much..."

He started sobbing, taehyung as well couldn't stop crying...
Hoseok:" hug me please."

Taehyung came closer and hold him tightly to his chest.
Hoseok:" that night... Meant a lot to me..."
Taehyung:" I know..." While his back patting him gently.

Hoseok kissed taehyung cheek:" when you finish all this work promise me to go on vacation just the two of us."
Taehyung:" I promise you." He smiled softy giving him doey sparkling eyes out of happiness.

Later, taehyung left the room he looked deadly at the nurse.
Taehyung:" I don't know if I should thank you or punish you *sigh* take care of him."

The nurse:" did he smile at me ?????"
The butler:" sike I was ready to fire you."

Taehyung went to see Adrian:" you are ready?"
Adrian nodded, He packed his stuff and he took him with him to the south.

The nurse enters Hoseok:" he took Adrian with him!! You know ?"

Hoseok was still blushing:" ah! He is still a good kisser! Huh? I don't care I know he is mine."

The nurse:" I wish I have that trust on my boyfriend.. Oh wait I don't have."

Hoseok:" I will miss him.."
The nurse:" what gonna happen?"
Hoseok:" he needs at least 6months to handle and organize everything and make namjoon an official head to the center and me after I'm healed I will go to the USA to continue my studies, I want to be useful and help him."

"Whenever you are, my heart will find you, I'm always by your side and whenever you are don't say goodbye, because we will definitely reunite."

[ to be continued]

I'm sorry if its long story I hope you enjoyed these two parts I will update soon I promise 👉👈

Stay at home and be safe.

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