(Fantasy) Robin Hood AU

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Marinette loved the people of town but she did to make the bakery price cheaper that the people of the town could not afford a loaf of bread. She began to steal from tax collectors and gave them to the beggers on the street. Everytime she did she would red tights, red long sleeves and cover her eyes with red paint with her hair in a ponytail.

One day they chase her the town square "What is your name Thief!" Hissed out one of tax collecters. Her people looked at her with wide eyes. This is the woman that fought for them, they were going to lose their only hope.

Marinette took a step forward "I am Ladybug the hero of the people. No matter how look it takes this corrupt kingdom will end. If the King truly believes that bleeding his people dry of all the resourses will help them then know that people that know the truth will stand."

The people were shocked nobody had even dared stand against the king and if they did.

"You will be hanged" cried a soldier.

She smirked dashing into the forest "You have to catch me first". That morning was last time Tom and Sabine Dupain-Cheng saw there little girl but it was not the last time they saw Ladybug.

Years passed and Ladybug gathered a following of many people and creatures. Some of most notable being Rena Rouge, a clever woman with a heart of gold and bag of tricks, Carapace, an ex-guard that wanted to protect the innocent more than a cruel king and of course Chat Noir, a theft that mastered castle looks and returned stole items to people. Fairies were rare better amazing healers. Little girls that claimed Unicorns were afraid. And sometimes there would be a random stone person in the woods.

"Do you think that the King will ever right his wrong, My Lady" Chat asked on a somber night looking to the stars.

Marinette sighed "I had once hoped so" Chat  Noir slumped "Don't give in to your negativity Kitty It doesn't  suit you. If it makes you feel better the prince seems less exicited then most for our deaths.

"If the prince makes a justice King gives his life to the people, I will happily give my life"

Chat Noir wrapped his arms around me sobbing "I don't want you to die!". A fairy kissed his cheek.

"Guards!" Stoneheart cried from his post jostling the encampment.

I leap to my feet "The people came first. Chat get everybody out of here" Chat choked back his sobs and the fairy nodded. "Everybody Chat Noir will lead you to safety." Everyone swiftly followed him to a secret passage out of the camp.

I picked up the nearest items, a sack of corn' "I am over here morons. Catch me if you can" with that I llaunched myself onto Tikki, a horse that we saved from being slaughtered.

"Get her"

Tikki didn't need to be told what to do, she was already running faster then I could ever hope. The guards chased me to the end off our kingdom and further but Tikki never slowed. Her hoof beats were as sure as my heartbeat. We would live.

The guards to a far off land, Gotham. When I crossed into the kingdom The soldiers didn't follow. I tried remeber any tale from Gotham that they would fear but came up empty. I felt weak from the long ride but decided to press on. All tales from Gotham were of a dark knight that protected the innocent and brought the evil to justice.

"Tikki, if anybody will help our people it is The Dark Knight. I am sure the King will know where to find him." I give her a weak smile "Let's go to the capital" She set off.

As I ride I barely notice that Gotham is truly a beautiful land with strange creatures. The inhabits look at peace but they stop to stare at me.

"That mare" they whisper. "She must be pure". "Mommy she has a unicorn". I pat Tikki's neck, she wonderful, maybe magical but not a unicorn.

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