Childhood Friend's AU

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Damian remembered Marinette well. Sometimes better than his own name. He was The Heir of The Demon's Head and many people that saw her, met her, called her The Heir of the Angel's Wings.

And she was in his city. Her smile was bright enough that if he didn't know better he would say that it was her secret twin he was raised with. A different less corrupted person of the girl he trained with.

But he did know better. Even in the large Parsian class he could her eyes scan the area for danger. Her movements were fluid and elegant as before.


Damian's undivided attention was on Marinette. Marinette was the word grace personified as she fought. It was no wonder she was chosen to be the next Great Guardian.

"Well done Angel" he clapped.

Bright blue eyes turned to him "You think I did well?"

Damian looked at the bodies of the people they had been sparring with and nodded.

Marinette gave a small bow and happily leapt overhear crumpled opponents. Of course, he knew his friend was powerful, the daughter of General Sabine Cheng, was never going to be a pushover.


But the class she was with seemed to not know that simple fact. Marinette did not react to the hateful statements with more than a huff. Damian knew that his angel could break every bone in the liar's pathetic body.

Dick stood next to the teacher but the teacher seemed to not notice that her own student was being bullied


Marinette hated when the rich 'Allies' of the League of Assassins visited the mountain base.

"I don't care how much money they give the league, these people are tormenting your people, our people. They can take their money and shove up their own a-"

"Angel" Damian interrupted.

Marinette sighed "I know" She took the young boy's hand.


"Look at this Mari-trash" Damian hissed at the insult but Marinette didn't seemed flinch. Marinette walked off to talk one of his father's employees about the Pros and Cons of living in Gotham City. Even to the point of taking notes.

Damian moved closer to his only childhood friend.

"I am looking for a new place to live and expand my family's bakery business."

The woman at the front desk looked confused "And you want to move to Gotham? Why? We aren't known for our love of pastries."

"No your not" Marinette grinned "But you are known to a lavish parties that my pastries would be a hit at. I am a designer so those parties would be good for my business as well."

Damian smiled to himself. Even out of the League she still was still pre planning her movements. Mariette had always been ambitious to the point where it didn't surprise him that she was adaptable enough to run two successful businesses in his crime ridden city.

Damian stood tall and walked out into the room. Marinette's ever watchful eyes saw him immediately. He watched as all the air left her lungs.

"شيطان?" .

Damian reached out to her " ملاك".

The woman at the desk clearly knew who he was "Sir?"

"Hello Ms Holt. I see you have meet Miss Cheng".

"Dupain-Cheng" Marinette corrected quietly. "My mother married my father but kept her name to ward off unwanted guests".

Damian's bright green looked down at her "It seems that we have some catching up to do".

Marinette smiled back at him "It seems so".

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