How To Pick A Competent Partner (Detective AU part 2)

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Master Fu looked at the young detective happily, after only one month in Paris the young man was regular at his Dojo. But today was a rare treat.

Today Marinette was coming.

Ever since he met Detective Wayne he tried to introduce him to Marinette. You would think that being Gothamite would make Damian a night time person like Marinette but, Gotham was alive with people at night so it only made sense that in Gotham an introvert be a morning person.

"Master" Damian gestured to a group that had not gotten their first belt yet "These children are in need of guidance" He tted to himself "and a long bath"

One of children frowned "We don't smell bad"

Damian nodded "I am sure you don't think so"

"Mister Fu, do you think we smell bad" a young boy whined. Thankfully the Master was saved from answering by a new voice.

A gentler voice that was sure to come from a smiling person "Perhaps after today's training you can play in a bubble bath". Master Fu smiled to himself as Damian turned the voice. The peaceful voice of Marinette.

"Yay Bubble Baths" the children cheered.

"And you are?"

Marinette swept Damian's legs from under him "I am their guidance" Damian watched her from the floor.

"She knocked me to the ground" Damian stated looking at Master Fu confused.

Master Fu sighed "Do not take it personally Detective. Marinette has a small frame so people tend to underestimate her. This -" The master gesture to Damian on the the floor "is a immediate way to prevent that"

Damian huffed " Anybody would be stupid to underestimate her, even the way she stands proves she is agile. But you don't understand Master I don't get knocked down"

"Everybody gets knocked down. It only matters how long be decide to lay on the floor afterward"

Damian turned slightly pink, realizing he had yet to lift himself off the floor. "I will keep that in mind Master"

Marinette gazed at Damian as he gracefully walked back to the children. "Are you alright? I didn't hurt you did I". Damian might have offended but her face held genuine concern.

Damian nodded " I am impressed more than hurt. My family believes in constant vigilance. Semper Paratus"

"Viam Inveniam Aut Faciam. My family words." She explained. Damian nodded, it was a simple motto that he could agree with.

Damian smiled at the short female " Semper Paratus Ad Viam Inveniam Aut Faciam"

That made her grin.

It didn't take long before the two to bond over training. It seemed that every second she spoke, uplifting the children, she gained more of his respect. With every moment he made corrections, destroying the children's bad habits. He gained her respect . Damian's ability to be stern complimented Marinette's softer approach.

The children were happy to accept Marinettes' compliments.

"I'm sorry Mr. Damien I'll try better. I promise" Was not uncommon to be heard.

Master Fu smiled smugly to himself. Detective Damian was perfect to be the new Black Cat. And if the smile on Marinette's face was anything to go by, she saw it too.

The rest of the day only proved that Marinette worked better with Damian then Ladybug did with Chat Noir. But all things must come to an end.

"Thank you coming to training today kids" Marinette smiled as all the children left.

Damian waved them off "They did well today"

"Of course they did. They had us" the woman laugh ed.

Damian nodded " How long have you been learning to fight?"

"I started training at this Dojo when I was 14 years old. You"

He smirked "I was born for it. I was then raised to protect. I am a Detective so I suppose it paid off"

She shook his hand "I am a baker and a designer so not much help on the detective front but-"

"I just taught a group of unruly children with you, I know that even without working in the police force you are an indispensable partner" Damian smiled "Have you thought about joining the fight against HawkMoth?"

Marinette looked to the roofs above as if imagining Ladybug up there. "Everyday since I was 14"

Damian nodded "Long term goal then." He smiled when she nodded "About time you achieve it"

He took her and began walking, Master Fu waving them off as if were children.

"Where are we going?"

Damian smiled "We are going to get you another job and We are going to get me a competent partner"

She smiled and began walking a little faster to keep up with his longer stride. "Does that mean I have to give the officers donuts because I am a baker?"

"I have no doubt that they would enjoy that but I would be hard-pressed to say they deserve it". Marinette laughed again.

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