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Damian was pacing like a caged tiger. A normal man would have been mentally preparing to see the love of his life in her stunning white gown but Damian knowing that nothing that he imaged would compare with the true Angel walking down the aisle so he was preparing for anything and everything else.

"Damian! Everything is going to run smoothly. Everything is planned so thoroughly that the ants have a planned time to walk across the grass" Tim smiled at his younger brother. Damian tackled him and covered his mouth.

"Don't you know better than to say something that idiotic." The male on the ground looked up at the groom unimpressed.

Jason grinned at the younger two "Even if something happened-" Damian glared at him "We have the entire clan here and over the Justice league, Dick's Titans, my Outlaws, your Titans, and Cupcake's Miraculous Team. I even think that Tim has a friend here."

Tim snorted "My only friend is the coffee machine"

"Hey!" came an offended shouted from a different room

"And Kon"

Without any warning Adrien walked in making Damian hiss. "Good do she you two finally getting married". Adrien smiled knowing that his Lady's was not a major people person so have three people bother him was going to lead to him seeming a little off. Damian glared as Adrien plucked a rose out of a random vase "So how does it to be marrying a model in the City Of Love?"

If somebody had said that to Damian when he was younger, they would have found themselves in the middle of a rainforest without any memory of how you got there or why you were missing both your pinkie toes a week later.

Thankfully times change so Adrien wasn't going to go missing. Although to be fair Damian did flip him off. "She is better than anybody you posed with Agreste." Adrien just smiled because these words were proof that they truly loved her.

Adrien raised the rose in the "A hundred points to Slytherin" and with that Adrien winked the brother and left.

Jason laughed "I knew that I wasn't the only Harry Potter fan."

Tim rolled his eyes at his older brother "That's great Jay. Now got off of me brat. We al need to go and check everything again.

Damian nodded at got up to check everything one last time.

"Do you really think that everything is going to go as planned?" Tim whispered.

Jason let out a quiet laugh "Not a Chance. A happy wedding? Sure. A wedding? Without a doubt. A perfect planned wedding? Not in this family"

Talia withheld a huff as she walked passed the room. She didn't have a lot of time before the wedding and she had to see her son choosen before she walked down the aisle. Talia looked in a  few more rooms before finding the bride's room.

Marinette was looking at herself in the mirror as a woman see had never met gracefully strolled into the room "Hello. I don't believe we have met".

Talia took the bride's hand and gave a gentle squeeze "No, I haven't had the pleasure. And even now I barely have the time.". Talia looked away, the league always needed her.

Marinette wrapped her arms around the woman because clearly the woman needed a hug.

"You are an Angel aren't you?" Talia murmured in the Bride's curled locks. The elder woman pulled away from the embrace first. "I don't know what it will mean to you but you have my blessing"

"It means the world. Thank you" Marinette beamed. Talia didn't understand the ray of light that stood in front of her but she understood that she loved her son.

"One more thing" Talia pulled out a small box from the bag on her hip. "I must wear this"

Marinette opened the box to reveal a beautiful Arabian necklace. "Something old. I have held on to this for longer than I care to remember.

Marinette looked at the woman and smiled " Mademoiselle would you be a able to put it on me?". Marinette didn't hear an agreement but she felt the woman put it on her. The Arabian necklace shone brightly on her and mixed well with the Arabian styled dress. "Thank you, it is perfect"

Talia heard foot steps rushing up the stairs. "Looks like my time is up. You look amazing Mrs. Wayne". Color flooded her cheeks.

Just as the woman left, Dick rushed into the room. "Oh thank god you are okay"

Marinette frowned "Why would I not be okay?"

Dick smiled a charming completely fake smile "Nothing to worry about little Finch"

She shrugged on any other day she would have panicked but today she  let it roll off her like water off a duck's back. She trusted Dick and if Dick said that he had it under control who was she to call him a liar.

The wedding without a hitch. But when the Vowed came it was time to pour out her heart "I swear my heart and my soul to you. With every breath we take, for every moment you take my breath away I choose you. And I would choose you again and again. In any world, in any reality, and at any moment. I love you"

They kissed and all was right with their little world. Marinette heard the flutter of wings above them but paid the doves no mind. And in the end she knew that the man in front of her was the only thing in the world that mattered.

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