Baking (If Only 2)

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If only Damian had planned this date out better. 

Damian was not going to make it for his date. Not with the looks he was recieving from his family.

"Baby bird, where are you going?" Dick asked unhelpfully as Damian tryied to sneak out. Damian hissed under his breath as his family stared at him.

"I am going to see-" Damian paused "a classmate on a project we are working on"

As a family of Detectives and Vigilantes they knew all his class work the teacher's work and that was a lie. The next project was in two weeks and it was about Batman, which Damian could do by himself with ease.

Before his family could call him out on the  lie, Dick winked at Bruce "They can come here". Damian eyes must have shown panic.

"What is the problem Brat? Don't want us to meet your girlfriend" Jason teased. Precisely.

Damian looked at his watch "Bye" He stated  rushing out the door. Leaving in a rush was not the best plan but Damian refused to be late. Plus he still had to buy her roses.

"So we are following Demon spawn, right?" Tim looked at his family "Right?"

It didn't take long for the Batfamily to track their youngest back to a small apartment on the nicer side of Gotham City.

"I say we bust in" Red Hood grinned.

Batgirl snorted "Well you are known for saying dumb things so I guess that makes sense" 

"Stop fighting" Wing hissed.

As the banter continued Marinette took a look outside and smiled "Damian. There are heroes outside"

Damian's head snapped to the window were in broad daylight sat his insane family. They had to be insane if they thought anything could ruin his day when he was with his angel.

Damian put a tray of cupcakes in the oven then wrapped his girlfriend in a hug behind. "What about them. They hunt criminals which clearly means that they are not here for us" Except for the fact they are.

"We  can decorate  this batch of  Cupcakes based on them" She grinned.

Damian stuck his head into her neck "So you are going to let armed Vigilantes into your house"

She turned her head and kissed him lightly "Be nice. They are heroes"

Damian glared at his family "You are too nice".

Marinette swatted halfheartedly at her boyfriend "I am the perfect amount of nice"

"Tt" he squished her.

"What should the flavors be?"

Damian smiled at culinary savvy girlfriend "Nightwing loves blueberry. Red Hood would shocked to see a pepper on cream cheese. And if coffee was a flavor Red Robin would lose his mind".

"Weirdly specific but all right. Also don't doubt me I will make a coffee flavored one." Marinette turned to face him, "What flavor do you want?"

Not one to be underestimated Damian leaned down and whispered "I just to taste your lips". As she got her tippy toes to kiss him a rock hit the window.

The couple jumped apart. Damian watched as his beloved turned red. 

If only the family realized they doomed every date they would have for the next year they wouldn't have laughed at Jason's little joke. 

Although they did realize something was wrong when Damian walked out with a tray of cupcakes that looked amazing and smelled like heaven.

"She would have given these cupcakes to you herself but she is now far to embarrassed to come outside."

Red Robin looked curiously at the plate. "Did you poison since we interrupted your kiss"

"No she wouldn't let me" Damian huffed "She respect you as heroes"

Dick winked at his youngest brother "Well I guess will have to come to the manor at point so we can meet her"

Damian's grin was that of predator "She will be. Our next date I will teaching her how to fight.".  

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