Yule Ball (Hogwarts AU Part 4)

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Damian was not happy for multiple reasons. He roomed with Draco Malfoy who was complaining about Harry Potter being the Hogwarts Champion. He was friends with Jon Kent who was complaining about Cedric Diggory being the true Hogwarts Champion, And since when did so many people want to go to the dance with Marinette.

Everybody in all three of the schools were losing their minds about the upcoming Yule Ball. The first formal dance at Hogwarts in years.

"If you keep glaring you won't need you wand to set him on fire"

Damian glared harder.

Marinette was his best friend so that meant nobody else had a right to ask her to the dance. He had to scare off a Ravenclaw named Nathaniel Kurtzberg that tried to ask her. Kurtzberg had asked her when she helped him with Ancient Runes in the Library. She turned him down. But would she turn down that Hufflepuff friend of Jon's. Adrien?

Damian was not willing to take a chance Damian always had his eyes on the golden haired Hufflepuff. Jon thought it was amusing.

Jon smiled "Thank Merlin for Ageste that you lack heat vision"

Damian huffed.

"Damian just ask Marinette to the dance then nobody else can." Damian shook his head, what if Marinette declined him like she declined Kurtzberg. True she was not rude but Damian didn't think she had a rude bone in her body. "I could ask her," Jon mused.

Damian glared at his best friend " The Gryffindors aren't the only ones that know how to use a sword". Jon raised his hands smiling.

"I know they aren't. That girl from Durmstrang has been trying to catch Marinette's attention by sword fighting" Damian looked at where the Durmstrang students were sitting, sure enough Kagami Tsurugi was showing off her sword fight skills.

Damian hissed as he watched her little did he know that Ageste and Tsurugi were not the real threats.

Marinette turned all those that asked down. It had always been her ambition to own a fashion line so she was more interested creating outfits for the Gala then going.

Damian had no problem sitting with her as designed for all people from all houses and even the other school. Marinette's cousin Cho Cheng on her mother side even asked to have light yellow details for her boyfriend's house.

Damian heard plenty of similar requests but one threw him for a loop. "Why does Dean Thomas want all the thread on his suit to be rainbow"

Marinette smiled as she worked "For his 'In the closet' collection"

"All outfits go in the closet"

Marinette giggled " Ask your brother"

Damian scowled but left to ask his brother Tim, as a Ravenclaw he should know.

Marinette laughed til she cried when she opened her eyes there was a man holding a box of tissues in front of her. "I didn't know Wayne swang that way"

His blue eyes half covered by blue tipped black hair. "He doesn't" she snapped but then froze.

Luka's widen in surprise "Oh so he has asked you. If he hasn't he is gay or blind".

Marinette frowned.

Luka nodded to himself "Must be gay" Marinette stood to defend her friend to the older Slytherin "That isn't a bad thing mind you. He just glares with to much accuracy to be blind"

Marinette smiled realizing that the man was not insulting her best friend. "He hasn't told me he is"

Luka nodded "We Slytherins are known for timing. Perhaps a major event with three schools isn't his incentive to show something so personal."

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