Detectives AU

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Only now did Damian realize that he followed in his eldest brother's foot steps not his own father's.

Of course this hit him as sitting in his office, at the Gotham police station. Richard may have been a police officer but that made sense. Richard Grayson liked to help people and interact with them. Damian preferred to be in the background, Damian liked helping people but that didn't mean he like people in general.

"Dectective Wayne, Commissioner Gordon is asking to see you" A woman said standing in the doorway of his office.

"Thank you for notifying me Officer Grimes" as she walked away Damian thought about all the reasons that Commissioner Gordon could be mad at him. There weren't many but there were some.

"Damian" James Gordon smiled as the young man as walked in to his office. "As you know Paris, France has been having trouble with a supervillian." Damian nodded the Justice League was banned from the city so their was no way to help the famous city. "The mayor of finally gather enough wits to request help. The city of Paris asking for Gotham's best so I thought I would ask you if you would like to solve this case.

Damian nodded "When do I leave?". It would taken more thought if he still held the title of Robin but he had to leave behind the title several months ago. Just lile his brother he had out grown the name. 'Even if you leave the nest Baby Bird, remember there is a nest to return to'.

James Gordon let out gave a faint smile "I will  have you sent out as soon as possible. How about you head home for the day"

Damian sighed but left for Wayne Manor. It was home to all the members of his family but, after leaving his former title it was like living in a memory. Damian had to leave, had to move on, if Paris was where he moved on to then so be it.

"Welcome home, Master Damian" Alfred greeted.

Damian nodded curtly at the british man "Evening Pennyworth". Looking behind his grandfather like figuire he saw his family "What are you lot doing out" Damian looked out a window "it is still Daylight"

Babs raised her phone "My dad said you had something to tell us"

Damian nodded of course "I am leaving"

"Not before you answer us" Jason growle.

Damian rubbed his temples "That is what I have to tell you. I am leaving Gotham, I am being sent to Paris to solve their Suipervillian problem." The room was silent. "I will being leaving Tomorrow morning."

"Robin belongs in Gotham. You can't leave"

Damian sighed "Incase you have forgotten Brown. I am no longer Robin. I outgrew it just as everybody in this room outgrew their titles".

Dick wrapped his younger bother in a hug "If this what you what then I support you. But are you sure Baby Bird, that is a long way away to build your nest". Damian briefly returned the embrase resisting the urge to all but purr in his eldest brother's arms.

Damian nodded. And like that his family accepted his need to spread his wings. Damian need to leave, to fly.

Flying on an airplane to Paris to stop a Supervillian as a civilian was not how he planning on doing for a living but there was certainly worse things to do.

As the plane landed a loveliness of pink ladybugs washed over him. "What was that?" Damian asked the officer taking him to his new office.

The office "That was the miraculous cure. It means that the Akuma has purifitied and the cure itself mends all that was destroyed in the battle"tective

I looked at the shadow of a woman flying over the skyline "Wish that Gotham had a reset button like that but what is an Akuma"

The officer gave a said smile "Looks like you have alot to learn". And learn the young man did, the officer when into much more detail then the hostess on the airplane did. From the first Akuma to today's. Even going as far as to explain that Chat Noir was not the same as he once was. He was no longer fit to bear his miraculous.

"Thank you" Damian nodded as the officer dropped him off at his new office.

They shook their head "No thank you for deciding to help us Detective Wayne"

Damian scoffed humoring the officer "Yes, I am clearly the type to let other suffer".

The officer grinned "Clearly. I will tell the Commissioner that you are here"

"Save your time. I wish to take a walk before I declare myself ready to take on this role." The officer looked down but they nodded. "Not to fear, I will be safe"

That statement was overruled a block later. "Give us your money old man!"

Without hesitation Damian broke the muggers arm. "Pathetic." hissed at the man. The mugger ran, if he was still Robin he might have chased the man down but as a grown man Damian turned to elded man on the ground "Would you like a hand, Sir?"

As Damian helped the man up, the man knew this young man was the answer to his prayyers. The True Black Cat. "I am Master Wang Fu. Thank you -"

"Detective Damian Wayne"

The guardian smiled "Thank you, Detective Wayne"

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