Soulmate AU

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Most people in the world have simple statements etched into their skin. "Hello", "Lovely day we are having" "How are you?".

Not Damian. Everybody in his family had insane statements.  "How does that not bother you, Grayson?"

"That Barbara's first words to me were 'I bet you you can't do that flip' " He shrugged "My birth parents made sure I could do any flip, anywhere."

He turned to Jason "How do you cope with your soulmate told you not to commit murder"

Jason smiled " I knew my soulmate would except being disappointed". Bruce sighed disappointed himself.


Tim lifted his shirt and just below the rib line was clearly printed 'I swear the fire isn't my fault'.

Steph smiled "I was having an off day.". Jason snorted.

"What of it? You have always had your mark, people are born with their marks" Bruce pushed.

Damian touched the small of his back "Mother called soulmates, weakness. One day I would have to kill mine. I never looked at my mark but I knew where it was. I did't want to know what signal that would lead to their death"

"So you finally decided to look at your soulmate mark" Grayson smirked but I ignored him.

I looked my father dead in his eyes "What is an Akuma?"

"What?" My siblings asked

Barbara didn't flinch at the question "A monster like person controlled by a butterfly wielding psychopath in France."

Everybody attention snapped to her "What"

"Superman has been contacted multiple times but the mayor of Paris tells as the have it handled. They have shot us down every time we try to help".

Bruce stood abruptly "Well, if civilian lives are in dangers then we must sent somebody over there to deal with the problem. Robin will be going since his soul mate is there and -"

"Me" Jason stood "It is clearly to intimidating to have a big name like Batman. Dickie will fuss over his baby bird the whole time. And Tim is needed to run the company. Cass is also to intimidating. I will go." Dick was about to protest "And just to get Dick to shut up I will take a picture of them together".

With a plan in place the family worked on their parts. And set up Damian and Jason to do a ' Quality check' on the Wayne Hotel in Paris.

But Damian was on the verge of madness, How could anyone love him? He was demon and the child of darkness. He had killed before.

In Paris Marinette sat on her bed wondering silently about her soulmate. How could someone love her. She was a failure. She flinched at the memory of the screams as an Akuma ended their lives. The cure saved them and they didn't have the memory of the death but Marinette knew. She couldn't count the broken bones and broken hearts. She had failed them even if she won in the end.

A month passed and the brother finally made to Paris and what they saw surprised them. A little girl in a red suit that black spots and a male catwoman fighting an Akuma.

"Welp, brat looks like we are in the right place." He looked at the Akuma "Just to clarify that an evil talking plane"

"I am Fearflight and I will teach people to stop questioning my skills as a pilot".

The cat boy ran while calling to get the monster's attention. As her partner ran Ladybug herself in front of the two. "Step back and let me handle the Akuma, get to safety."

"No thanks, I'll suffer" Damian smirked and pulled out katana that Jason only wondered how he passed though security.

Damian rushed the Akuma. But Ladybug was frozen "That was it. That was it"

Jason was reached out to her but slapped his hand away "Do you know how much I worried about my soulmate suffering"

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