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Marinette told Damian that every child they had would have a name that originated from Arabia. From his history despite the fact that half of his family was the half he was proud of.

Damian's brothers took the news of Marinette's pregnancy well. Dick loved children and was delighted when he became an uncle. Jason was shocked that 'Demon spawn' had kids before anybody else but quickly realized that uncles were able to spoil their sibling's kids. Tim was too busy drinking coffee and solving crime to hear them when the pregnancy was announced, he learned about the child when the family no longer let Marinette go on missions.

Damian's sisters/sister-in-laws took the news okay. Babs loved children almost as much as Dick so she had no qualms about her new title. Cass was shocked, always checking Marinette's belly for the little heartbeat inside. Steph figured that the best way to help the newest family member would be to break the family of any bad habits so she tried to get Jason to stop smoking, Tim to stop drinking coffee, and Dick to stop faking other superheroes deaths. It didn't work but she tried.

Damian's friends took the news. Jon designated himself as Marinette's protector which lasted for about a week before she snapped at him. Colin Wilkes cried til Damian snapped at him. Garfield Logan like Cass decided to take every moment to check for a heartbeat, except he did it as an animal.

Bruce just cried, he was a grandfather. Alfred had to leave the room because he cried harder, he was a great grandfather.

Amala Rachel Wayne, was the first born. Damian said that being Robin was as much his history as the country he was born in so their beautiful little girl's name meant Bird. The first person outside of their family was Rachel Roth, Amala's godmother. Amala was the family's little Raven.

DIck was the first to hold Amala even before Bruce. "Welcome to the world, Baby bird". He cries when he finds out how true that nickname is.

Marinette knows that Richard was the first person in the family to accept Damian, all of him. The love of her life was raised by his older brother, the same that is crying his niece truly is a bird.

Naime Tara Wayne was born two years, Jason liked to joke and that since their first girl was a storm that second would be the calm. The calm after the storm so Damian took that in stride Naime meant calm. She was calm but she was cunning like a little Crow.

Despite Naime's calm nature Jason was clearly her favorite uncle. Jason started calling her his bright little crow and Dick almost cried again ("Get over yourself Dickhead, we get it you started the bird trend).

Rizam Wang Wayne was born last. The only boy that his aunts and uncles were sure to spoil. Master Fu was the one to suggest they name their next child, Luck. Marinette was not sure but Damian that the name was perfect. Damian was not bitter that his only son was born blind, not mad at his baby's unfocused misty blue eyes.

Master Fu took the little boy's small hand and smiled at the two heroes. "Lucky King?"

Marinette smiled "Do I have to remind you what your name means Master?" The elder man shook his head trying not to get too emotional knowing that the little boy could not see the difference between joyful tears and sad ones. "Dami, Love? What bird has a crown? That should Rizam's bird" Then Marinette passed out.

Everybody smiled at Dick who was holding hands over his mouth.

Damian could never be mad at his children. At his brothers on the other hand he could beat them with a broom so they would stop telling stories about him. "This is the story of how a demon fell in love with an angel"

But with all three of his children curled together on one bed with Rizam's seeing eye dog, Caspian, pretending to be a blanket, maybe this time he would let the story slide.

He could always hit his brother with a broom later.

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