Chapter Ten- Remembering.

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this is all in flashback/dream format, just to establish that one.]

A younger version of Riley, maybe two or three years younger, stood, nose to nose with a younger Thomas. Thomas wore a white labcoat and a badge stating that he was a member of WICKED around his neck. Riley wore jeans and a t-shirt, wearing her own badge, but instead hers stated: Riley Greene, subject A10, the architect. And below, in smaller writing: easily angered, to be approached with caution.

"You killed her." Her voice was void of emotion, and her face showed not anger, simply emptiness. Her eyes were dull, dark shadows under her eyes, her lower lip trembling slightly. "You killed her."

"Riley, I- I-" Thomas stuttered, his eyes wide, unable to form a complete sentence.

"You killed her." Riley repeated. "You killed my little sister." Thomas stayed silent, biting his lip. Anger errupted inside of her, her eyes sparking with a dangerous fire. She suddenly shoved him against the wall, grabbing his collar. She brought her face close to his. "Do you not understand? You don't even care, do you?" She was shouting by that point, hurling her words at the elder boy with force.

"R-Riley, I'm s-sorry-" Thomas stuttered. Riley didn't know wether it was because of fear, or because she was clutching his collar far too tight.

"Sorry? Sorry doesn't make it all okay! Sorry isn't going to bring her back from the dead, is it, huh? Huh?" She shouted, slamming his head against the concrete wall. Thomas made a strangled sound, coughing and clawing at his throat. Riley stepped back, and backed up against the other wall, sliding down until she was sat on the floor.

"She's dead. Minho's in the maze. You know what that means? He gets out, he gets his memories back, and she's not there. And, you know who's fault that is? Yours. You did this." She burried her head in her hands, her shoulders shaking in a silent sob.

"Riley?" Thomas nervously took a small step forward, shaking sightly. "Are you okay?"

"Don't even talk to me." She muttered, struggling to stand, wiping a tear away. "Stay out of my way, got it?"

"Riley, I-"

"I said stay out of my way!" She shouted, shoving Thomas to the ground before walking away, giving the camera in the top left corner- which was surely watching their encounter- the middle finger, without even looking back.


another short update oops. so anyway, notification time! And this chapter is dedicated to an awesome commenter- whoafangirl- so go follow them! Their comments always make me smile :)

Notification one: i'm doing a question and answer before my next update. Comment or message me questions- it can be tmr related, but doesn't have to be.

Notification two: I need a ship name for Riley and Newt! Comment any ship names you have- the best one will get dedication and a special mention. I'll post more about this later.

Notification three: Okay, so, soon, I'm adding in another boy character, who has a long history with Riley. Comment any awesome boy names (first and second) and again, the best one will get dedication and a special mention.

Thanks and stuff.


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