Chapter Fifteen- Lovebirds.

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"I think I'm going to throw up." Thomas sighed, shuddering.

"You shucking got that one right." Minho growled, his eyes narrowed.

"You said you think she's your sister?"


Thomas whistled. "That's awkward." He paused for a second. "Oh, that's really awkward."

Minho exhaled deeply. "Wake up, lovebirds!" He shouted, cupping his hands around his mouth to make his voice travel.

Riley's eyes snapped open. Her head was still on Newt's chest, and his arms were tight around her, their legs intertwined. Minho stood outside the cell, arms folded, Thomas beside him, looking sorry for the pair.

Newt mumbled something incoherent and wrapped his arms tighter around her. Riley pressed her head further into his chest, taking the chance to inhale, savouring the moment. Thomas feigned throwing up.

"And just what do you think you're doing with my sister?" Minho asked, his voice stern.

Riley was suddenly wide awake. "You remember?" She pulled away from Newt's grip. The boy sighed and shuffled upwards, blinking, dazed.

"Course I do, slinthead."

And everything came flooding back. Minho as a protective big brother, not letting boys anywhere near her. Minho walking her to school, sticking up for her in the corridor. Minho playing tag and video games with her. Minho tickling her, helping with her maths, taking her out to McDonalds.

"I missed you so much!" Riley cried, pushing the unlocked doors open and hugging him tight. Minho stumbled before hugging back.

"Yeah, yeah. Okay. But what I want to know is what you were doing getting all cosy with Newt?" He said, hand on hip.

Riley blushed to the tip of her ears. "Don't ruin the moment." She chided.

"Riley." He said, pushing her back gently, eyebrows raised.

She rolled her eyes. "We didn't do anything. Just talked. I guess we lost track of time and fell asleep."

"Fine." Minho sighed, dropping the subject. "But you know, you've still got a few hours 'till your punishment's up. Get back in there."

Riley bumped him with her shoulder. "Oh, I get it. You don't want to spend time with your newly discovered little sister. Fine." She hopped back in, shooting Newt an embarrassed look.

He was still half asleep, his hair ruffled and messy, which somehow made him look even cuter. He hugged her.

"Thanks about last night." He whispered. "It was nice to talk about that to someone. And, uh, thanks for not hating me."

"I told you, I could never hate you."

"Tell me if you shanks are gonna kiss so I can look the other way!" Thomas called.

"We're gonna kiss." Newt informed him.

And they did. Thomas shielded his eyes, making sick noises. Minho groaned.

They broke apart.

"See ya, Riles." He grinned, crawling out of the cell and locking the door behind him.

"Okay, I'm going to pretend I didn't see that for the benefit of all of us." Minho decided. "Anyway, Thomas, your turn."

Thomas sighed and trudged into the cell beside Riley. Minho locked it.

"Hey, why're you locking him up?!" Riley protested.

"He broke a rule. Sure, he saved us, but if we don't punish him, half these shanks are gonna start thinking breaking our law is suddenly okay."

Riley shrugged. "I would argue but I'm too tired. Proceed."

"See you guys later. Me and Newt are going to have some words." Minho said, shooting Newt a murderous look.

"Sounds conspicuous." Thomas muttered.

"Bye." Newt said, waving as Minho dragged him off.

"So." Thomas said, as they disappeared into the homestead. "You and Newt? Are guys a thing now?"

Riley shrugged. "I don't know."

"Well, if it's any consolation, I ship you guys." Thomas said, leaning against the bars that separated the two cells.

Riley frowned. "Huh?"

A smile played across Thomas' lips. "Nothing. Absolutely nothing."

Riley shook her head. "You're weird."

"I've heard that one a lot." Thomas shrugged. He tapped restlessly against the bars. "Wow, this is really boring. How'd you manage an entire night in this place?"

Riley raised an eyebrow. "Dude, you spent a night in the maze. Shouldn't that question be reversed?"

Thomas laughed, but then his face grew serious. "You know, I kinda think- that we could find a way out. You know. Escape."

"Escape." Riley pondered. "Yeah, I like that idea." She rubbed her eyes. "I'm gonna go back to sleep till I'm let out."


ok ok not long and rlly badly written, but oh wellllll sorryyyyyyyy guysssss


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