Chapter Eighteen- Gathering.

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The keepers had gathered in a ring of chairs, Thomas and Teresa being the centre of attention in the small group. Riley had opted to stand, leaning against a wooden support beam just off to the left, beside Newt's chair.

Teresa sat comfortably, laid back like she didn't have a care in the world, which must've royally pissed off Gally, from the look on his face. Thomas, however, sat at the edge of his seat, looking rather like a cornered animal, his muscles tensed as if he would have to run at any moment.

The Keepers were laughing and talking amongst each other. "Alright, alright, quiet down!" Newt called. Since Alby was out of action for the time being, leadership had been handed to him without question. The room immediately fell silent. "Okay, shanks. We're here today to discuss the matter of the weird events, plus the girl's fate-"

"She needs to be locked up. I mean, just some random girl turning up from nowhere and makin' themselves all at shucking home- not acceptable. Her and Riley need to be locked up, I'm telling you!" Gally interrupted, and a stir of agreement passed through the crowds.

Newt scowled. "Gally, shut your trap. We're gonna be nice and orderly here, so one by one. Minho, what d'you think?"

Minho shrugged. "Riley's trustworthy, that's for sure. And I think we ought to give Teresa a chance."


"Lock em up. Like, no offence Riley, but we don't know what klunk could be going on here...."


"Same as Minho."

And it went on. Riley paled as more and more keepers voted for her to be locked up along with Teresa. Before, they had been like family to her. All of them, even if she didn't know them personally. Now- some were more like enemies.

Newt looked troubled. Teresa didn't seem to care, her face passive. "Okay." He said. "Vote. All in favour of Teresa and Riley being locked up?"

Several hands went up. Not all of the hands, but a majority of them.

"No way." Riley finally managed to spit out. "What did I even do? It's not my fault all my memories were wiped and I was shucking thrown in here! No shucking way on earth are you throwing me in there!"

Gally smirked. "Nowt you can do about it, shuck face. Majority vote."

Riley gaped at him, disbelieving. She folded her arms over her chest. "You wanna get me in there? You'll have to freaking knock me out and drag me there!"

"I'll take that as an invite." Gally growled, lunging across the room.

The last thing Riley felt was Gally's fist connect with her head, sending her crashing from her chair.

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