Bun Bun's Accident

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The Loud House was chaotic as usual, with today's form coming from the polar opposite twins of Lana and Lola, who were in the middle of an argument in the hall, with Lola shouting, "Lana, your stupid frog broke my tea set!"

Lana countered, "Hey, Hops is not stupid!"

"Yes, he is! He's always jumping onto my stuff and my side of the room."

"He can't help it if he likes to show his love through hopping!"

"Well maybe if he had a better owner!"

The pair then started wrestling, forming a dust cloud which went all the way to the end of the hall by the bathroom door, with Luan popping out of her room to see this and say, as she got out her camera to record it, "Oh this is gonna be good." Eventually, the dust cloud rolled to the other end of the hall, knocking open Lincoln's door and going into the young Louds room. Luckily for Lincoln, he was out of the house at the time. Unfortunately, during the scuffle, the pair hit the bed, causing Lincoln's beloved stuff rabbit, Bun Bun, to be launched into the air, bounce off of the ceiling and out the window.

The pair stopped fighting, upon seeing this and both screamed, before going to the window to see Bun Bun on the driveway, causing them to sigh in relief, with Lola saying, "That was close."

Lana added, "Yeah, something bad almost happened to Bun Bun, Lincoln would have been so upset."

Before they could do anything, Vanzilla rolled up the driveway, running over Bun Bun, with their dad casually walking out and into the house. the two shrieked and ran outside with Luan. Upon getting to Vanzilla, Lola reassured, while sweating, "Maybe it's not that bad?"

Lana got under the van and pulled out the stuffed rabbit, which was now split in half, down the chest. The mud lover said, "This isn't good."

Luan joked, "Talk about divide and conquer. Ha ha ha." Her face then turned serious, "But seriously, Lincoln is gonna flip. And while I usually find it funny when he does, I know how much he loves Bun Bun, so we gotta fix this."

The trio headed back into the house, Lola shouted, "We need Leni!"

Lana pointed out, "But she at that school fashion show today."

Lola shouted in anger, as Luan added, "Luckily, Lincoln is at the arcade with Clyde right now. So as long as Leni gets back first were good."

The three soon heard the door open, with Lincoln's voice calling out, "I'm home."

This caused the trio to shout, "Dang it!" As they heard footsteps approach, Lana threw the two halves of Bun Bun into Charles's food bowl and flipped the bowl upside down, just as Lincoln came in. All three of them gave him awkward smiles.

Upon seeing this, Lincoln raised an eyebrow and said, "Hello?"

They all waved and said, "Hello" back, before Lola asked, "So what are you doing in here, Linky."

He replied, "Just getting a drink." The trio went to the left, turning their backs to the food bowl, as Charles approached and Lincoln opened the fridge. After getting his drink, he turned to the three, "Are you guys okay?"

They all shouted, "Never better!"

He shrugged, "If you say so." Leaving the room, the three sighed in relief.

However, when they turned around and flipped the bowl over, they only found Bun Bun's half with the legs. Lola asked, "Where's the other half?"

Lana noticed some slobber on the floor, licked it, and said in realization, "Charles." She started sniffing the floor, "Follow me." The other two Louds did and they were eventually led to the dining room table, they pulled the table cloth up and were in shock. Underneath the table, Charles was chewing on Bun Bun's left arm, which was no torn off from the rest of the top half of his body, and was completely out of stuffing. Bun Bun's right ear was also torn off and torn to shreds. Lana shewed Charles away, "Bad, Charles!" The dog ran off, leaving the now one-armed and one-eared top half of the rabbit. The three picked up the pieces and looked at each other, worry pasted all over their faces.

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