Present Case

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In the lunchroom of Royal Woods Middle School, Lincoln, Clyde, Stella, Liam, and Rusty were having lunch, when Zach finally joined them. Stella waved, "Hey, Zach. What took you so long?"

Zach replied with some sadness, "Sorry guys I was heading back to my locker to get the gift I got Giggles for her birthday."

The tabled "Awwed" at this, with Lincoln saying, "That's sweet, man." He then noticed Zach's expression, "So then why are you so sad?"

He threw his hands up, "Because it's gone!"

The others look shocked before Lincoln shook his head and said, "Don't worry, buddy. Will help you find it. Right team?"

The others agreed, "Right!"

Zach replied, "Thanks, guys."

Clyde took out a notepad, "When was the last time you saw the item in question?"

"Well, I brought it to school and left it in my locker and I was planning to grab it during lunch and give it to Giggles, but like I said it was gone."

After finishing writing it all down, "So it had to be taken during that time period. Did the locker looked forced open?"


"Then it had to be someone either able to crack a lock or was able to slip inside, without opening it, like with Cinnamon back in Elementary School."

Lincoln then looked to everyone and ordered, "Alright gang, let's split up and search for clues."

The kids nodded and broke off into teams of two, Lincoln with Stella, Clyde with Zach, and Liam with Rusty.

Lincoln and Stella were making their way through the halls to the science lab, with Stella asking, "Are you sure, Ms. Pham would be able to do this?"

Lincoln replied, "Well, she is a biology teacher, so it's more than possible she can make up so kind of concoction to shrink herself."

As the pair approached the door, they heard the teacher in question say to herself, "YES!" The pair put their backs to the wall by the slightly opened door and listened in, "With this, it will all open up!" The duos eyes flashed in realization and jumped into the room, only to see a flower planet bud opening up on a table Ms. Pham was by. She smiled, "Yes! The growth accelerator worked! Now what else to try it on. I only wish those frogs didn't escape before I could see if I could make them big-" she stopped upon seeing the confused looking kids, "Oh hey, Lincoln and Stella, would you like to help me with this experiment, I was about to start super growing broccoli and see if it's good."

They both instantly shook their heads, with Lincoln saying, "Nope."

Stella quickly added, "I'm good." They then bolted out the door.

Clyde and Zach were equally making their way in the halls and coming up to a door, with Clyde saying, "Okay, Mr. Bolhofner is one of the smartest math teachers I know. If anyone in this school could figure out a number combo to a locker it's him."

The pair then heard the teacher from behind the closed door, "Just gotta move a little more."

Zach exclaimed, "You were right! Let's get him!" They kicked open the doors and rolled inside, only to have their face morph into confusion and concern.

Mr. Bolhofner was sitting at his desk writing stuff down, tears in his eyes, and managing to get out, "Just a few more scene changes and additions and this romance will be beautiful." He grabbed a tissue and blew his nose as he kept going, while Clyde and Zach just quietly slipped out the door and shut it, their eyes wide the entire time.

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