Carnival Chaos Part 2: A Tricky Game.

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As they walked through the park, Lola, Lynn, and Lisa, they came across a bottle game stand being run by no other than Flip, who was shouting, "Come one come all. Try your luck at Flips Bottle Game. You could win a prize." He pointed out to all the stuff animals around him, "But you probably won't."

The group was about to walk past, but Lola's eyes widened when she saw giant teddy bear as one of the prizes. She rushed over like she was hoped on sugar and slammed a dollar onto the table, while shouting, "That bear will be mine!"

Flip smirked, as he took the dollar and handed her a ball, "Will see little missy."

Lola screamed and threw the ball at the first set of three bottles stacked together, only for it to hit and bounce off, accomplishing nothing. She screamed, "WHAT!"

Kissing the dollar, Flip said, "Sorry. Better luck next time."

Fire in her eyes, Lola was about to jump the table, but Lynn held her back and insisted, "Calm down, Lols. Let your much more athletic sister handle this. That bear will be yours in no time." Lola pouted, but complied and crossed her arms, while Lynn released her, stepped forward and dropped her own dollar. After receiving her ball from Flip she took aim, "Time for another famous Lynn throw!" She hurried the ball at the bottles, but it just bounced back and almost hit her in the head, luckily he ducked in time. Now filled with furry herself as she jumped back up, "That's bunk!"

Flip could only laugh as Lisa stepped forward with a confident smirk and said, "Please. This is a job for brains not brawns." Lynn glared at her, as she took out a notebook and pen and started making calculation. After a bit, she smiled, "I got it." She placed her own dollar down and got her ball. Taking the shot the same thing happened with her ball, "Inconceivable! I calculated just the right angle, wind resistance, and force necessary to do it."

Lynn smuggled snorted, "'I guess science isn't all it's cracked up to be."

Flip laughed, "Better luck next time kids. Thanks for the doe."

All three stepped forward and each placed another dollar down, with Lola shouting, "Oh were far from done!"

Lynn added, "Yeah! The first time was just a fluke!"

Lisa finished, "There's always a small margin for error!"

Flip could only small, as his eyes turned into dollar signs.

Over with Lincoln, Lana, and Clyde, they had just gotten off the roller coaster, with Lana smiling and Lincoln helping a slightly wobbling Clyde. The youngest of this group shouted, "WHOO! I think I just beat my all-time pucking record."

Clyde eventually regained his footing and told Lincoln, "Thanks, buddy. I'm good now." Lincoln let go and gave him a thumbs up. They then turned to see Lana was gone.

Lincoln shouted, "WHERE'S LANA!?"

As they panicked, Clyde turned his head and reassuringly said, "Oh she's just by a concession stand."

The male Loud breathed a sigh of relief and wiped the sweat from his brow upon seeing his sister. After joining her he asked, "Lana, what are you doing?"

Lana took a bit of her hot dog and then a sip of her drink, "I'm rewillwng wy wood tank." She swallowed, "So I can ride another ride and beat my new record." The boys could only smile and shake their heads.

However, a familiar voice, belonging to Lacey, could be heard saying with sarcasm, "What an impressive record. I'm sure the trophy for it would be huge." The group turned to see the young girl at a nearby table, just finishing off her french fries.

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