A Princess Pony Thing

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Covered in a black coat, with a hood concealing her face, one goth girl, Lucy Loud, was rushing through the streets of Royal Woods. Her destination the local comic book store to find something of great interest to her. Normally she would have asked her brother Lincoln, the only one in on her little secret, to get it for her and secretly deliver it to her, which he was always willing to do. However, this day was different, with Lincoln away with Leni, visiting Ronnie Anne in City and their oldest sister Lori who was in college there. Thus, requiring Lucy to come herself or miss out on getting the newest comic from her secret interest, Princess Pony. However, this issue was special, hence why she was coming now instead of waiting for Lincoln to return. The TV series had ended a while ago after airing for nine seasons, with a show she really enjoyed gone it made Lucy more miserable than usual. Luckily, there was a small light in the pitch-black tunnel. The comics were not only continuing but starting with this issue they would be continuing from where season nine left off, thus being classified as the closest thing to an actual season ten. Upon arriving at the store she quickly entered and moved through the shelves, looking for her prize. Eventually, she came on a near bare shelf where she spotted it. Snatching it quickly, she went to the register, where the man running it was reading a comic himself in a chair, with his feet propped up on the counter. The young goth Loud simply said, "Excuse me."

The guy jumped and screamed, falling out of his chair and onto the floor. When he got up, rubbing his back, he said, "You startled me. Man, your quiet."

She replied, in her usual mostly emotionalist tone, "I get that a lot." Handing the comic to him, he rang it up, she paid, put it in a bag and took her leave as quickly as she came. Clinging the bag to her chest, she made her way through the town, ducking behind trees and bushes, trying to avoid people. However, when she eventually tripped on a rock and dropped her bag forward. As she got back up, she saw two big fellas, by the name of Hank and Hawk, the local bullies of Royal Woods.

Hank picked up the bag and took the book out, then let out a, "Really? Someone like you actually reads this sickeningly sweet series?"

Hawk started laughing, "Wow. A goth girl is into cute little horsies!"

Lucy grumbled under her hood and tried to grab for the comic, only for Hank to lift it above his head and out of her reach. He then shouted, "Go long, Hawk!" The other bully ran to the other side of the street, with Hank throwing the book to him, and Lucy trying and failing to jump up and grab it, causing her hood to come down.

She rushed at Hawk, only for him to toss it back to Hank, causing the young Loud to growl, "When I contact the spirits you two dark souls will be in trouble."

Rushing to Hank, he simply pushed her down and started waving the book around and saying, "Oh do you want this!?" He was then tapped on the shoulder and turned around to find a not happy looking Lynn Jr, clutching a basketball.

The jock Loud asked, "Are you two being mean and rough with my little sister. Only I'm allowed to rough them up a bit!"

Hank laughed, "So, what are you gonna do about it, little girl."

Gritting her teeth, Lynn threw her ball right at Hank's left foot, causing him to bring it up and clutch it in his hands while shrieking and dropping the book. Lynn then punched him in the gut, knocking him to the ground. When Hawk rushed at her, she ducked to dodge his punch, grabbed his feet with her arms, swung him around and then threw him into Hank who was getting back up. Now both dizzy on the ground, Lynn picked up the book, came over the pair and said, "If I find out you two are picking on my sister or any of my family again, I will be very angry." Pointing at them, "You got it!" They both nodded, before getting up and making a run for it. Lynn looked down at what she had picked up and raised an eyebrow. Seeing her make this motion, Lucy quickly turned paler than usual. She knew the ridicule from her sister was coming over her interest, so she turned her head away. Lynn turned around and walked over to her, sticking the book out to her and saying, "Here, Lucy." Lucy looked up to her sister and just stared blankly at her wondering what was up. After which felt like an eternity she grabbed the book, picked up her bag, and put said book back in it.

Sometime later the two were walking home in silence, until Lucy finally spoke up, "Okay, what are you waiting for?"

Lynn turned to her while bouncing her ball, "What do you mean?"

"Sigh. I mean aren't you going to ridicule me over the fact that I'm into a show about colorful horses, like what happened with Lincoln?"


"Um, why not? You and the rest of our sisters are known for teasing each other over their interests, so why aren't you doing it now!"

Lynn shrugged, "Lucy, I know I may seem like a jerk sometimes with how rough I am on all of you, but your still my little sister and I always have your back." Lucy looked relieved, well as relieved as she could be, while Lynn continued, "Besides, haven't you noticed how our family has really changed? I mean we don't make fun of Lincoln when he wears his lame superhero costume anymore, were all there for each other a lot more, especially after Lori left for college, it's not like how things used to be where we seemed to always be at each other's throats over petty and small things. We've all grown a lot, as both individual players and as a team. So what if you like that weird series?" She stopped bouncing her ball and smiled at Lucy, "No matter what you'll always be my little sister who I love and nothing can change that."

Lucy did her version of a smile back, "Thanks, Lynn."

Lynn then gave her a playful punch to the arm, "Just don't make me say anything that mushy again."

"I'll try not to." They kept walking for a bit, until Lucy brought up, "Um, Lynn, could you maybe-."

Lynn cut her off, "I won't tell the others."

Lucy gave an actual sigh of relief, "Phew. I thought for sure you'd want me to do something in exchange for keeping my secret."

As the group approached the driveway of the Loud House, Lynn stopped and smiled mischievously, "Now that you mentioned it, you could do something for me in return."

Lucy stopped and looked down, "Sigh, I knew it was too good to be true." She turned to her sister, "Okay, what do you want?"

She twirled her ball around on her finger, "We play a quick little game. First to ten wins. GO!" The little joke jumped up and threw the ball all the way to the garage, where the basketball hop was and the ball went in, "That's one for Lynn-sanity! She's on a roll!"

Lucy just shrugged her shoulders, but gave an extremely small smile, then shouted, "Fangs!" Her pet bat flew out of the open window of her and Lynn's shared room and she handed the bag to him, "Could you take this to the usual spot for me?" The bat nodded, grabbed it in his claws and took off back to her room.

Lynn, who was dribbling her ball back and forth at extreme speeds, shouted, "Hey, Luce. You coming or what or do I have to win before you even get on the court?"

The young goth then walked over to Lynn and actually looked happy, or her version of happy, while saying, "Sigh. Coming." 

[The End]

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