Team Up

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(The premise for this episode comes from Ty The Savage on the Loud House wiki, as part of his predictions for season 4. I'm just using the idea to write this story, all rights for this plot synopsis goes to him. Here's the synopsis he came up with which I based this episode on: After finding out Paula broke her other foot, Lynn attempts to fill in for her.)

(Fair warning, I am not that into sports so if I say something wrong in this I apologize. Also, remember that Lincoln and his friends moved up into Middle School when Lori left for college in this continuity, so they go to school with Lynn and her friends now).

Lynn Jr, usually just called Lynn, and sometimes LJ, was practicing Soccer in her backyard and after sending the ball sailing into the open goal shouted, "WHOO! LYNN-SANITY DOES IT AGAIN!" Before the celebration could continue, her cell phone went off, snatching it out of her pocket, "What's up? Oh hey, Paula. How are thin-." Her face morphed from happy to concerned, "What! Hang on, I'll be right there." Lynn ran off.

Lynn eventually got to the hospital and upon entering a room, was meet with her friend Paula, on the bed, in not her usual one cast on her right leg, but two casts for both her legs. The Sportster shouted, "OH NO. Your other leg! How did this happen?"

Paila sighed and explained, "I was practicing for Soccer when I tripped over a rock and crashed into a tree. Usually, I can play with just one leg, but I can't play like this until it heals." She outstretched her arms over her legs.

"Oh man, that stinks!" Lynn began to stroke her chin with her hand until finally shaking her head, "Don't worry, I'll cover your position on the team."

Raising an eyebrow, "Um, Lynn, I know your good, but can you really play two positions at once?"

Pumping up her chest, "Of course I can! I'm Lynn Loud! Star player on almost every sports team!"

Over on the Middle School field, Lynn met with her team with coach Keck asking, "Lynn, where's Paula?"

Lynn explained, "Oh her other leg is broken right now, but don't worry I'll cover for her."

The couch looked at her questioningly, "You sure?"

Puffing up her chest, "Of course!"

"Well, you are our best so if you say you can do it then go for it!"

As the kids began to make their way onto the field, Margo asked, while rubbing the back of her head, "Um, Lynn, I know your good, but can you really play two positions at once?"

"Why does everyone keep doubting me? Of course, I can!"

Once Lynn took her position at the center of the field, facing off against the other team's female player, the referee dropped the ball, Lynn quickly swept her right leg under it, before the other kid could even move. She ran across the field and passed it to Margo, before spinning out of the way of a player on the other team coming at her. Margo was kicking the ball until a girl on the other team tried to kick it away. Luckily, Margo back kicked it to a female teammate behind her before the other girl could get close. The female teammate was soon surrendered by the other team but saw Lynn outside the circle calling for the ball. Kicking it between the other players, the ball sailed to Lynn who got it and headed towards the goal, with the other team in hot pursuit. She then passed it to her left where Paula would be and ran with the ball to catch it on the other end, before taking a shot, only for one of the girls on the other team to jump in the way, the ball bouncing off her chest and to the field. The girl then took the ball and ran past Lynn, going to her left when Lynn went right. Lynn shouted, "Dang it!"

Approaching Lynn's goalie, the girl got ready to shoot but passed it to a player on her left and they took the shot, flying into the net.

The game proceeded and it didn't go so well: First, Lynn had the ball and was about to pass it to herself, but when she kicked it before she even got a chance to run to the other end, an enemy team player got to it. Then Lynn tried this again and while she did get the ball this time, when she kicked it she only hit the goal post. At another point, Lynn passed it to herself and then tried passing it to Margo, only for the ball to get intercepted again. When Lynn went for a shot later, sweating a lot, she only managed to kick the ball a few inches before it stopped and was quickly snatched away by another player. The finale bell eventually buzzed, signaling the end of the game, with Lynn's team losing 5 to 22.

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