Carnival Chaos Part 3: Frightful Fun.

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(Warning, the following chapter will be describing some scary stuff, while I don't go into that much detail I'm just giving a heads up for the more squirmish readers who aren't really fans of anything scary, kind of like how Lincoln and Cylde were in Jeers of Fears. LOL.).

In this carnival of fun many people were smiling, except for one, the young goth, Lucy Loud. Of course, just because she wasn't smiling doesn't mean she wasn't happy, especially with her current destination, the fairs Haunted House. She soon arrived at the spooky-looking place and said, "Sigh. This looks wicked." Upon entering the house she started to feel differently. Looking to her left she saw a white sheet with eyes, but it was split in half down the top. On her right was a mechanical skeleton missing it's right arm, with it's left just rotating around and sparking. Misery soon filled her face and not the good kind of misery she enjoyed. As she kept walking she came to four fake spiders barely hanging from the ceiling, with six fake spiders on the ground, having fallen off. Finally exiting the house she let out her disappointment, "Sigh. They call that a haunted house?" She turned to her right and noticed a male carnival worker coming out the back and dragging a mannequin half-covered in toilet paper, which was falling off more as he dragged it, leaving a trail. The man dropped the dummy and wiped the sweat from his brow, as he did, Lucy went up to him from behind and asked, "What's wrong with this Haunted House?"

Jumping up and back, the man screamed and turned to see the little girl who frightened him, "Man your quiet."

"Sigh. It's what I do best, sorry about that. But what is up with this Haunted House?"

The man explained with a hint of sadness, "Well, this old place is falling apart and no one in the Carnival wants to pay or help to spruce this thing up." He looked to the ground, "Sad really. They think Haunted Houses our becoming outdated unless it's Halloween."

Lucy said, with some actual emotion, "Gasp! They can't do that!"

A new voice spoke up, "I agree." Once again the man jumped in shock as he and Lucy turned to see Lucy's goth friend Haiku behind them.

Lucy gave off her version of a smile and greeted her, "Hey, Haiku. Did you want to see the Haunted House too?"

She replied, "I did and I was disappointed by how pathetic it was and not the good kind of disappointment about the futility of life."

"Sigh. I know. Something has to be done and I think you know what I mean."

Forming her own goth smile and nodded, "I do. Let's make this place actually scary."

The man, now recovering and wiping his brow with his right hand, "Do you two really think you could pull that off?"

The two gave each other a smirk, with Lucy saying, "We have a lot of experience in this."

Romance filled the air, as Leni and Chaz were walking through the park together, Leni began to say, "I totes want to go on the roller coaster."

While she smiled, Chaz looked up to the high going ride and gave a nervous stutter, "Um, ye-yeah, Chaz would like that too." He started looking around rapidly, "But, um," noticing the Bumper Cars, "Why don't we start with some other rides first, like the Bumper Cars. Chaz thinks it would be a good idea, like watching all the spin-offs and tie-ins to a big TV or comic event so when you see the actual event it will be even better."

Thinking about this, Leni eventually smiled and replied, "That's a great idea, Chaz." She gave him a kiss on the cheek, causing him to blush and the pair headed to the ride.

Eventually, they were enjoying the ride and sharing a car, with Chaz at the wheel. They bumped into a car on their left and rammed back into the back wall, with the pair laughing. A quick turn of the wheel and they were back out there, knocking through two cars that had just collided into each other straight on. However, another car from their right bump into them, as they slide back they turned to see the ones responsible, a certain adorable couple, Luan and Benny, who were also sharing a car as they drove around, with Luan at the wheel.

Seeing her older sister, Luan smiled and said, "Sorry about being a bump in the road. Ha ha ha. Get it?" After a quick laugh at her own joke, with Benny joining in, "But seriously, I'm guessing you guys had the same idea to have a romantic ride with your special someone." She turned to Benny, who was blushing and she wrapped her left arm around his back shoulders.

Leni smiled back, "Totes. Also, Chaz had this idea to start on the smaller rides first, before going on the Roller Coaster so it would be more fun. He's so smart."

Chaz again blushed at this, with Benny saying, "Wow. A Roller Coaster. Sounds fun, but also kind of scary." Shaking his head, "I'm really not a big fan of how high they go."

Chaz gulped a little, but tried to give a confident smile, "Well, Chaz is brave, nothing scares him."

Back with the Haunted House, a group of four teens, two males and two females were walking in, with one of the boys on his phone and saying, "This is gonna be so lame." Upon entering, the lights immediately went out, catching his attention as he shifted around, "What's going on." Several fast creaks were heard, before the lights flashed on, revealing a massive looking guy in a blood-covered trench coat, wielding an ax. The teens all screamed and ran in different directions down different doors. The guy who was on his phone was running and rammed into a what seemed to be a person, but as this person turned around their head popped off and fell to the floor, splattering and spreading what seemed like blood, causing the guy to scream harder and run. By one of the girls, she screamed upon running and seeing what seemed to e a shadow covered wolf around a seemingly chewed up body. Thus she ran even harder when the wolf turned to her and howled. The other guy soon joined the screaming party when he ran into a zombie with its jaw open and his right arm barely attached. While the last girls screams permeated the house when she noticed a seemingly vampire bat coming for her neck. The teens eventually regrouped and ran out of the house screaming. When they left the wolf and the trench coat figure walked out, revealing Lucy standing on top of Haiku in the trench coat and the Haunted House worked dressed as the wolf, getting off of all fours and standing up normally. The work shouted with joy, "It worked! I can't believe." He turned to the two goth girls, with Lucy getting off of Haiku, "Thank you."

Lucy simply replied, "It was our pleasure." Just then the bat from earlier landed on her right shoulder, "And thank you for the help, Fangs." The bat gave her a sharp smile in return.

In another area, Luna and her group continued to wander around, with Mazzy throwing her arms up and shouting, "It's pointless will never find me a new drum in time."

Sam insisted, "Come on, we can't give up."

Luna added, "Sam's right. If we try sometimes we just might find we get what we need."

Joining in her girlfriend's song referencing game, "Because we're the best around and nothing's ever gonna keep us down." The couple smiled at each.

Eventually, Sully jumped in with exhaustion, as he started to put his knees on the ground, "I think Mazzy is right. I mean what are the odds we are gonna-."

He stopped when he heard an announcer shouting through a megaphone, "Come one, come all!" The rock group turned to see a Carnival male worker on the megaphone standing on top of a stand, "If you can win the ARGGH, trivia contest challenge, then you can win a drum set!"

The group just stared blankly, until the three girls smiled, and Sully simply stated, "Okay, guess we were wrong."

Sam then pointed out, "But I don't know anything about ARGGH."

Luna added, "Me neither." She took out her cell phone, "But Lincoln does so I'll just-."

Mazzy interrupted her, "Actually, we don't need Lincoln."

Sam and Luna turned to her, as Sully continued, slinging his right arm over Mazzy's shoulder, who did the same with her left, "Because we're ARGGH experts."

The couple of Luna and Sam asked together, "You are?"

Mazzy smirked, "You bet. We even went to the episode they filmed here in Royal Woods(1). I think we even saw your brother and Clyde there, Luna."

Sully joined her in confidence, "So we got this."

Luna smiled at her friends, as did Sam, and said, "Dudes, that's awesome. We got this in the bag."

[The End]


1.) ARGGH! You for Real?

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