Chapter 1 (Editing)

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-The Mansion-

6:00 in the morning, I don't usually wake this early, my alarm goes off around 6:30. I sat up and sat against the headboard of my bed, turning to see that Lucy was still sleeping soundly. I ran my fingers through her beautiful, long, blonde hair as she slept, she stirred and opened her eyes a bit as I removed my hand.

"Good morning."

She laid on my chest because she was still a little tired. "Good morning..." she said quietly, loud enough to where I could hear.

I flipped her over so she was under me, and I kissed her neck. "Natsu.. you're going to be late for work. We can't right now."

I lifted myself up and stared at her for a long minute before I flipped onto my back. She got out of bed and headed over to a chair that was placed by the window and sat there

I never showed my emotions to anyone but her. And she hardly ever sees me show them. I picked her up bridal style and brought her back to bed "Go back to sleep sweetheart" I said sweetly and she did as she was told and got comfortable and went back to sleep.

Laxus, Gray, and Erza were all accompanying me like they always do. We were the Japanese mafia and I was the Head or Don of the household and Luce was the Lady Wife.

Erza turned to me "How's the Lady?" She asked "Fine" "Is she up yet?" She asked again "No" I didn't have the patients to deal with anything today. But that's how I am everyday.

Always worried about my wife and her safety so I leave her with the family to look after her and keep her safe. If anything were to happen to her I don't know what I'd do with myself. She is my everything and that's how it will always be.

Even if Lucy were to stop loving me I wouldn't let her leave me, not in a million years. As we were leaving the mansion i saw her sitting up looking out the window at the sky.

She's so stubborn sometimes but it's what makes Lucy herself even though I may not like it at times. Erza tapped my shoulder "Are you coming sir?" I looked away from the window and started walking towards the car not even answering her

And with that we were off to the compound.

-With Lucy-

I was looking out the window watching my husband as he was leaving the mansion to go to the compound. Sometimes I wonder what had me marry Natsu. But I loved him all the same. Then I heard a knock on the bedroom door "Come in" i said a little bit of tiredness in my voice.

Then Mira walked in with a drink and some food "Good morning Lady Lucy" she said in her bubbly tone "Good morning Mira" I said sweetly "Your up early as always my lady" "Mira you don't have to say my lady. Just call me Lucy ok. And yes" I said with a little giggle at the end "Alright" I then got up and started getting dressed.

She waited for me outside the double doors of our bedroom and waited till I was dressed and ready. When I came out she walked me to two more double doors "Is the family here?" I asked "Of course! Why wouldn't they be!!" She said bubbly and excited.

Of course. How silly of me. Of course they would be there. I looked at Mira and smiled at her "Sorry Mira. I guess I'm just out of it today" she then looked at me with a worried face "Are you alright Lucy? Should I call Natsu?" I just shook my head "I'll be fine. Thank you though"

We entered the double doors and of course everyone was cheering and having fun but as soon as I walked in the attention was on me. Levy ran up to me and she gave me a hug "Good morning Lady Lucy" she teased. I just smiled and walked towards the bar.

Natsu's Angel (making the edited version in a new book!)Where stories live. Discover now