Chapter 5

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        When we got to the bottom of the stairs, we saw Liam, Niall, and Zayn playing air hockey and foose ball, but there was no sign of Harry.

“Where’s Harry?” I asked nonchalantly.

“Oh, he won’t get up. Says he’s feeling bad.” Zayn answered with a sigh.

“I’ll go see how he’s feeling,” I said turning to Louis as I spoke.

        Lou walked off to play ping pong with Niall. I walked into Harry and Zayn’s room and crept silently over to where Harry was laying.

“Harry?” I whispered.

He made a noise in the back of his throat.

“Harry, come on outside, we’re going to hang out!”

        I leaned over him, preparing to shout in his ear to get him up, when he opened his eyes, sat straight up, and kissed me. I tried to pull away in protest, but he just grabbed the back of my neck and pulled me closer. He finally let me go when we heard someone walk into the room. I turned around to find Louis staring at us with a look of hurt. Great. Just great. Now Lou’s going to think I’m some kind of bitch who just wants to kiss everyone.

        We awkwardly got up and left the room. Louis grabbed my hand and pulled me down on the floor next to him. Maybe he wasn’t mad after all. Everyone else gathered in a circle around us. I was a bit confused. Why were we all getting in a circle? Clearly Harry and I missed something because we were the only ones who looked like we didn’t know what the hell was going on.

“We’re playing truth or dare.” Zayn answered my unspoken question.

“Oh.” I said, suddenly nervous. Truth or dare always brought out the fearlessness in me. I always do the dares, no matter how bad, and I always answer my truths in complete honest to God truth. It’s gotten me into some tight situations over the years. “Okay.” I said, trying to sound excited.

“I’ll start!” Niall declared. “Uh, Lila. Truth or dare?”

        Of course he’d pick my little sister.

“Dare!” Lila shouted boldly.

“I dare you to…jump in the pool with your clothes on." Niall said.

        After Lila did her dare, it went on to Liam, then to Zayn, back to Niall, and then it got to Harry. All the other truths and dares so far had been the basic ones that everyone, everywhere does. Leave it to Harry to try and make things weird again.

“Umm… Lou! Truth or dare?” he asked with an evil grin.

“Your face is kinda scarin’ me mate, so truth.” Louis said with a laugh.

“Why don’t you tell us about your feelings towards Hadley?” he asked with a look of triumph.

“I do believe that that is between her and me.” Louis said, not really looking anyone in the eye.

“I knew it! You fancy her!” Harry yelled out.

“I could say the same thing about you!” Louis shouted back.

        I could not believe this. Louis Tomlinson and Harry Styles were yelling over me. I mean, I’m nothing special. I have long, wavy dark brown hair, and light brown eyes. I’m not tall like a model. All five foot nothing of me is just a dancer. I’m not special. They should not be fighting over me. And yet they are.

“Um guys, it’s three in the morning now, and we do have another concert tomorrow. Maybe we should go to bed…” Liam said, trying to ease the tension in the room.

“You’re right.” Louis said curtly.

“Night boys, I’ll be seeing you in the morning then?” I asked.

“Yeah, night.” They all answered.

        As I walked with Louis and Lila back up the stairs, I couldn’t help but think about how this was just one more game of truth or dare that ended badly. I should just stay away from that game for the rest of my life…

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