Chapter 25

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        We spent the rest of our afternoon laying in that field, talking about everything. After about two hours, we got quiet for a bit, and when I rolled over to look at Harry, I could see that he had fallen asleep. He looks so adorable when he sleeps. Some dark clouds started gathering up above us, so I decided to wake him so we wouldn’t get rained on.

“Hazza, wake up. I think it’s going to rain.” I said, shaking him gently.

        He stirred, but it took a few more attempts before he was actually awake. By now, the storm clouds were looking like they were going to let all of their rain free at any second.

“We need to get back to the hotel.” I said.

“What’s the rush? Rain won’t hurt us.” he said.

“But lightening will.” I said.

“True. Let’s go.” He said, giving in.

        He grabbed my hand and we jogged back down the woodsy path, back over the bridge where just a few hours ago, Harry told me he loved me, and back to the field in front of our hotel. When we got here, we stopped for a minute to catch our breath. We figured we were close enough to the hotel that we were safe. How stupid are we? Very, is the answer. Almost as soon as we stopped, the clouds released all the water they were holding and it started pouring right over us.

        It was raining pretty hard, but there wasn’t any thunder, so I figured we couldn’t be shocked with lightening. There was a mud puddle forming in the middle of the field, so I decided to take off running towards it, knowing Harry would follow me. Sure enough, as soon as I took off, I heard him behind me. I stopped when I reached the mud, stooped down, cupped some in my hands, and then threw it on Harry.

“Oh, you’re gonna get it now!” he yelled, picking me up and throwing me into the mud.

        I landed with a squish. He did not just throw me in a mud puddle.

“Oww!” I cried out, grabbing my ankle like I landed on it.

“Oh my gosh, I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean to hurt you! Here, grab my hand and I’ll get you back up to the room.” He said, freaking out because he thought he’d hurt me.

        When he held out his hand, I grabbed it, and pulled on it as hard as I could, and Harry came crashing into the mud puddle with me.

“Gotcha!” I yelled, wiping some mud across his cheeks.

“You’re lucky I love you so much, or you would be a dead girl right now.” He said, jokingly.

“I love you too.” I said, smiling.

        It was still raining, and there was a moment of silence between us. Harry stood up and offered me his hand again, and this time I took it without pulling him down. When we were both on our feet, Harry pulled me close to him. I knew he was going to kiss me before he did, probably. I stood on my toes and he leaned down to meet me like he always does, because he’s so much taller than me.

        I laughed internally. I was kissing Harry Styles in the rain. Do you know how many girls would kill to be me right now? We stayed like that for a long time. When we finally did pull apart, we were both smiling.

“I’ve never kissed anyone in the rain before.” I admitted, sheepishly.

“Me either!” he said.

“You’re kidding me. You’re Harry Styles. You’ve never kissed anyone in the rain?” I asked in disbelief.

“I guess I’ve just been waiting for the right girl.” He smiled.

        He took my hand and we walked back into the hotel, getting a few nasty looks from the man at the front desk for tracking mud and water back into the building.

        When we got back to our room, I was literally on cloud nine. I couldn’t believe that even more things in my life had changed so fast. Had it really only been four days since Lou left? I couldn’t even believe that I was ‘with’ him. I mean, nothing between us was real because of Eleanor.

        I obviously belong with Haz. He gets me like no one else does, and I get him better than anyone else. I didn’t want this weekend to end. When we go back home, we’ll have to face questions from the boys, the paps will eventually find out, and then I’ll be known as the girl who is some kind of slut that dates all the guys in 1D, and what will the fangirls think of me? I mean, they loved me when I was with Lou, but would they still love me even though I’m with Harry now? I can’t think about all of this right now.

        Harry and I showered and got ready for bed. I decided I needed some fresh air, and it had stopped raining now, so I went out onto our balcony. Hazza came with.

“I don’t want to leave.” I whispered.

“Me either.” He said, hugging me tight.

“What’s going to happen when we get home?” I asked, worried about the answer.

“I’m sure the boys will understand. They won’t be mad at you. We’re happy together, that’s all they care about.” He reassured me.

“And the fans?” I asked.

“Well, they already love you. If they give you hate, I’ll just ask them to stop. If they respect me, then they’ll respect you.” He said.

“Thanks for always sticking up for me, Haz.” I said.

“Always.” He whispered.

        We went to bed, and as always, Harry wrapped me up tightly in his arms. I was worried about what would happen tomorrow, but as long as I had Harry with me, I knew that I’d be okay. I knew that we’d be okay.

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