Chapter 24

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        Hazza and I walked the rest of the way over the massive bridge, and through a little stretch of woods to get to the grassy field. When we finally found it, my mouth literally hung open; it was huge. It was as long as a football field, and about as wide as one. The grass really was waist high. I wasn’t really expecting that…

        Harry grabbed my hand and led me into the sea of grass. It didn’t feel like what I thought it would feel like. I expected it to be scratchy, but it was actually really soft. I found my free hand running through it often, fascinated by it.

        After about five minutes of wandering through the field, Harry stopped.

“Why don’t we play a game?” he asked with a mischievous smile.

“What did you have in mind?” I asked wearily.

“Hide-n-seek of course!” he answered.

“Out here? There are not really many places to hide…” I said trialing off.

“Sure there are. I’ll hide first. All you have to do is count to fifty and come find the place I’m laying down in!” he explained.

“Okay. So I count, and you go lie down in some part of this enormous field, and I just wander around until I find you?” I asked with sarcasm.

“Yeah.” He said simply, turning me in the opposite direction so I couldn’t see where he was going to lay down. “Love you!” he shouted, already sounding far away.

“Love you too!” I laughed. “1…2…3…”

“50!” I shouted. “Ready or not, here I come!”

        I wandered around the field for about ten minutes, trying to be quiet so I could sneak up on him and scare him. Why on earth did I think that would happen? I was in the exact middle of this gigantic field, looking around, trying to find any disturbances in the grass, when something grabbed my ankle and yanked me down onto the ground… Wait. Ground isn’t this soft, I thought to myself, mid-scream.

        Someone clapped their hand over my mouth to stop me from yelling out. I was quickly flipped over onto the ground, when my captor started tickling me. My screams quickly changed into laughs.

“Hazza! Stop!” I managed to get out.

        I looked up to find him laughing with me, probably at my reaction to him pulling me down. We were the only people out here right now. Who did I think pulled me down? He eventually stopped tickling me and laid down next to me, grabbing my hand.

“What was that for?” I asked, still trying to catch my breath.

“I like hearing your laugh. It’s adorable.” He answered, shrugging his shoulders against the ground.

“I hope you know I’m going to get you back when you least expect it.” I said, hoping to sound severe.

        He laughed, bringing our hands up so we could see them.

“I like the way that looks.” I whispered.

“Me too. It’s like us. They’re together.” He said.

        It was so strange lying in the field with Haz. We were the only people around, and we couldn’t see anything over this tall grass. It was like we were in our own little world. I could have stayed this way forever.

“This is going to sound so girlish, but you don’t know how many times I’ve imagined something like this happening between us. I really, really love you.” He said, turning a slightly pink shade.

“I know you do. I love you too. So much. I just can’t believe out of all the girls in the world, you chose me. We both know you can get any girl you want. Why me?” I asked.

“Hadley James. I chose you because you’re so different from any other girl I’ve ever met. You don’t just know everything about me, you really understand me. I don’t have to explain things to you for you to get them. And same for me. I understand you more than I even understand myself. You’re my whole world now, and there’s nothing I wouldn’t do for you. I probably could get any girl in the world, but the only girl I want is laying right here next to me, and I don’t intend on letting her go. I love her. You’re the one for me; end of story. I love you Had.” He said, in the sweetest way I could have ever imagined.

“I love you too, Harry.” I whispered.

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