Chapter 32

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        Around sunset, we pulled back up to our island and parked the boat. We all filed off, the boys helping us as always. We sat on the beach together, watching the sun set over the Caribbean.

“You know, this is so nice. The paparazzi don’t know where we are, we don’t have to worry about being chased down by fans, and we can actually relax. We can’t thank you enough.” Liam said.

“It’s my pleasure.” I answered him, smiling.

“You know, if just one thing had been different about that night we met you, we wouldn’t be here right now. If your mum hadn’t taken you to try and get in, if you hadn’t been waiting back behind the arena, if Lou hadn’t come out that door and hit you, if Lou hadn’t run off stage at all… We wouldn’t know each other.” Zayn said.

“You’re right…” I whispered, never really thinking about that.

        Harry stood abruptly, holding his hand out to me. I took it, not really knowing where why we were making such a sudden exit. We said goodnight to everyone, and Haz pulled me up to our bedroom.

“What was that for?” I asked, curious as to why he now looked on the verge of tears.

“Zayn was totally right. If just one thing about that night had been different, I wouldn’t be here with you right now. That’s so weird. I can’t imagine what life without you would be like now that I have you. I don’t want to think about it. I love you so much, I don’t think you understand.” He said, pulling me close to him and not letting me go for a long time.

“I love you so much Harry. And yes, if one thing about that night was different, we wouldn’t be here together now. But obviously, things were supposed to work out this way. There’s a reason Lou hit me with that door. So we could be together.” I whispered to him.

                He looked down at me for a moment, before he leaned down and kissed me so gently that I thought I was going to cry. Jesus, I really honestly love him with my whole heart. I don’t know what I’d ever do without him…

        When we got up and went downstairs the next morning, we all decided that since it was our last day here, we were just going to hang out and soak up as much sun as we could, because we’re all leaving for London in three days, and it’s supposed to be cloudy while we’re all there. I was trying very hard not to think about London. Louis had already texted the boys saying he’d meet them at the airport. We decided it’d be best not to tell him I was still coming, as it might get back to Eleanor, and they didn’t want her to get angry and hurt me. Was she some kind of mental patient or something? Harry promised to keep me safe.

                Perrie and I got in some proper tanning time, and we actually looked pretty good. I swam with Hazza for a while, and we all made dinner together again. We all went to bed early since we had to get up, repack all of our things, take the boat back to the harbor where we keep it, take a taxi to the airport and then fly home. I fell asleep cuddled up next to Haz.

        When we got up in the morning, everything was a mess. We couldn’t find anything, so we were all scrambling around trying to pack and get ready in time so we wouldn’t miss our flight. When everything was finally all together, we boarded the boat and accelerated towards the harbor. If we didn’t hurry, we’d miss our flight. When we finally got to the airport, we ran through the terminal and to our gate, getting on our plane just as it was about to take off.

        Harry took our bags and put them in the overhead bins, and we slumped down in our seats together and let out big huffs of air. We made it! About an hour into the flight, I fell asleep, my head lolling over onto Harry’s shoulder. I dreamt about Louis, which was weird. Get out of my head Lou.

        I woke to the sound of Harry saying my name and shaking me gently.

“We’re here love.” He whispered when I opened my eyes.

“Did I miss the landing?” I asked.

“Slept right through it.” He said, smiling.

“Good.” I said, standing up and stretching.

        The six of us gathered our things and exited the plane. We walked out into the airport and found my mom, Nialler and Delila waiting for us.

“Hey guys!” I yelled, running over and hugging each of them.

        The boys and Perrie and Dani all thanked my mom vehemently for letting us go to the beach house. We rode back home telling them all about our trip, and I couldn’t help but notice that Niall and Lila were holding hands. They really are so cute together…

        When we got home, we all ate dinner and went to bed. We were all wiped out from travelling. Harry had officially moved into my bedroom, and so we fell asleep together again. Had we really only been together for four days? I felt like we had been together for a lifetime. I love him so, so much.

        The eight of us spent our last weekend in America together just chilling out and watching movies together. We were like normal teenagers, even though everyone but Lila and I were famous. It was decided that since Harry and I are together now, I don’t have to stay with Liam and Danielle when we go over to London. I’ll be staying with Hazza in his flat that he shares with Lou. I can only imagine how awkward that’s going to be…

                I woke up early Monday morning, too excited to sleep any longer. Our flight leaves for London in three hours, so I’m not all that early. I woke up Harry, and we made our rounds waking everyone else as well. It’s been decided that Lila can’t come because she’s too young, much to Niall’s disappointment. We all ate, got ready, packed up anything we had lying around, and we were off to the airport an hour later. I was practically jumping out of my seat on the car ride to the airport I was so excited.

        When we got to our regular private airport, the paps snapped away at us, and we just ignored it. I said goodbye to my mother and sister and practically dragged Niall onto the plane. As we all stowed our things and took our seats, I was so excited for the next two weeks.

        If only I knew that these two would be even crazier than the last.

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