Chapter 10

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        After the concert, the boys did their famous bow, and came running backstage. At the sight of me, Lou sped up and hit me in a bone crushing hug.

“Hey!” I managed to get out with a laugh, hugging him back.

        Instead of answering me, Louis decided it would be better to just kiss me like there was no tomorrow. Everyone else looked away politely. When we pulled apart, we could see that everyone’s politeness didn’t last long, because they all had their phones out taking pictures of us. Even my mother.

“These better not wind up on Twitter.” I threatened, still afraid of being hated by fangirls.

“They won’t. It’s too soon to announce anything anyway, right boys?” Louis said, turning away from me.

“Right.” Zayn and Liam answered.

        They seemed to be the only ones who really understood, because Liam was with Danielle for two years, and Zayn’s still with Perrie, but we don’t really hear much about them.

“You guys better get going before all the girls get outside and start looking for you.” Paul said gruffly.

        The boys all agreed and packed up their stuff quickly, and five minutes later we were on our way back to the car. Louis and I were walking with our arms around each other’s waists, when yet another flash went off. I turned around to find my mom guilty of this one. I blushed, but Lou seemed unaffected.

“Send me that one, won’t you Christie?” He said laughing.

        When we all got back to the car in our now normal seats, Lou took my hand without even thinking about it, and this time, I was the one to squeeze his hand. After only about fifteen minutes, Louis was snoring softly with his head resting on my shoulder. He must be exhausted. I decided that now was the only time I was really going to get to question Harry, so I took my phone out and started texting him.

Please explain what you meant by “I will wait for you.” I typed quickly.

        His phone lit up two seconds later, and he read my message with a frown.

Never mind babes. We’re cool. He typed back.

No we’re not, and we won’t be until you tell me what you meant. If you don’t tell me, everyone’s going to know that something’s up between us and then they’ll question it. So you can either just tell me, and it stays between us, or you can tell all your best mates, and have Lou get mad again. I typed out.

        Whenever I want to know something, I text super-fast and get all technical with my grammar, so that text looked more like a novel that a text.

Are you threatening me? ;) He wrote back.

        I could not believe this. He put a winky face in a serious conversation.

Harold Edward Styles. I typed out his full name hoping to come off as severe.

Oh fine. I can’t believe you’re making me do this. As soon as I walked out of the door last night and saw you sitting there with Lou, I knew you were different… Special. I couldn’t take my eyes off you, and I felt something change inside when I hugged you that first time. From that moment, I knew that it was all over for me. I won’t stop until I can have you. When I said “I will wait for you,” I meant it. I think you’ve changed me. And I will always be here for you. Waiting. Xx, Harry.

        It took him a while to send this one because I saw him back space and change a bunch of things, but when I finally got it, I felt terrible. He wanted to be with me, and all I wanted was to be with Lou. If anyone ever find out about this, it might be very bad for the future of One Direction. I quickly deleted all of the messages, so that no one would ever find them, even though I wanted to keep that last one. I closed my eyes and leaned my head back for the rest of the car ride home, trying very hard to not think about anything.

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