Chapter 26

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        Harry and I got up, got ready, repacked all of our things, and we were on the road back home by noon. This car ride seemed to take longer because we pretty much know everything about each other now, so there were no twenty questions. We sang along to songs we both know, and talked a little, but that was about it. I think we were both nervous about breaking the news of us to the boys and all the fans. It was really stressing me out.

        When we pulled into the garage back home after the four hour car ride, we both wanted to get out and stretch, but we hesitated.

“I don’t want to get out…” I said.

“Me either. I wish we could turn around and go back to Biltmore.” Harry said.

“Me too.” I agreed.

        Eventually we did get out of the car, Harry taking my things again, even though I told him I could carry them. When we walked into the kitchen, everyone was there eating an early dinner. Harry set our things down and grabbed my hand and pulled me close so everyone saw.

“Hey guys, we have some news.” Harry said, bravely.

“Oh God. You’re getting married!” Perrie shouted.

“Uh, no…but we are together. Like as in a couple now.” Harry said.

“Well it’s about time! I thought you guys were going to deny your connection forever.” Danielle said.

“Wait, what?” I asked, confused.

“Everyone here knew that you guys have feelings for each other. You made it obvious to everyone but yourselves. We were hoping your little weekend vacation would help you realize your love for each other!” Dani yelled out, obviously happy we were together.

“You’re spot on Dani. I love her.” Harry said, looking down at me.

“I love you too.” I said, smiling up at him.

“Aww! Look at them! It’s obvious that they mean it. I mean, look at the way they’re looking at each other.” Danielle gushed. “It’s the way that Liam looks at me.”

“And the way Zayn looks at me.” Perrie said, kissing Zayn passionately.

“I’m so happy now. We thought you guys wouldn’t approve.” I admitted.

“Actually, we were going to try and set you guys up if you came back still just ‘friends’.” Lila admitted with an evil grin.

“Oh, shut up!” I shouted.

“I love you too…” She said sarcastically.

“Yeah. So either way, you would have wound up together.” Dani said.

“What do you guys think the fans will think?” I asked hesitantly.

“Well, the paparazzi already have pictures of El and Lou walking around London, hand in hand, and everyone knows he was supposed to be with you, so the fans know that Houis is over…” Niall said.

“Houis?” I asked, laughing.

“Yeah. But now they’re shipping Hadry!” Niall said happily.

“Hadry? That sounds like a poisonous berry.” Harry laughed.

“Why are they shipping Hazza and me now? How do they even know we’re together?” I asked.

“We took a picture of you guys as you were leaving the driveway and posted it to Twitter and Facebook.” Liam said, shrugging his shoulders.

“Oh, lovely.” I said.

        We spent about an hour talking about our trip. Around five, Zayn asked a very good question, to which I had no answer.

“Well, now that you guys are back, what are we going to do for this next week?”

“Um, what do you guys want to do?” I asked, because I had no answer.

“I want to go to the beach.” Harry suggested.

        Of course. How did I not think of this before? My mother, sister, and I own a beach house on a private island in the Caribbean. It’s only about a three hour plane flight. But how were we going to get tickets on such short notice?

“I have a beach house…” I volunteered.

“AND YOU NEVER TOLD US?” Harry shouted with excitement.

“I forget about it a lot. We only go down there a few times a year. But yeah. It’s on its own island in the Caribbean. We could probably go, but we need a plane…” I said, trailing off as I mentioned the one flaw in our plan.

“I can have one meet us at the airport in an hour.” Harry said, standing up and pulling his phone out to call their pilot.

        I forget they can do things like this a lot. You know, call up their private jet and be flown anywhere whenever they want… I went upstairs to ask my mom.

“Hey mom?” I asked.

“Whatever it is, the answer’s yes. I know it involves the boys, and I want them to enjoy their vacation, and want to come back.” She said.

“Are you serious?” I asked in disbelief.

“Yeah, so where are you guys going now?” she asked.

“The airport. I’m taking the boys to our beach house.” I said, smiling.

“Oh, good idea! I can’t believe I didn’t think of that one.” She said.

        I went back downstairs to give the boys the good news. Liam, Zayn, Dani, and Perrie all packed a few things. Harry and I didn’t need to because we still had all of our Biltmore things all packed upstairs. I saw Niall sitting with Lila, and I went over to ask him why he wasn’t packing.

“Well, Li can’t go because your mother thinks that would be a bad idea. She and I are going to see where this relationship goes, but it's not really official. I want things between us to stay quiet, so I’m going to stay here with her.” He said.

“Are you sure?” I asked, sad he didn’t want to come.

“Yeah, it’ll give us some time alone. Besides, if I went, I would be the third wheel because she wouldn’t be there. So you guys go, I’ll be fine here. I’ll see you on Friday!” He said.

“Alright. Bye Nialler!” I cried out.

        Delila and Niall stayed home together while my mom drove Liam, Dani, Zayn, Perrie, Harry, and me all to the regular airport. The plane was already there waiting on us. I said bye to my mom, everyone thanked her, and the six of us all got onto the jet. As we took off, I watched the state of Georgia get smaller and smaller in the distance as we flew away to the beach house.

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