Chapter 30

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        We spent our entire day out on the beach, the six of us. When it finally started to get dark, we went back inside, and Harry and I decided to cook dinner together for everyone. We wound up just making pizza, but it was so fun. When we were rolling out the crust, Harry thought it would be funny to throw flour in my hair, so I took some and threw it in his face. Before I could stop it, we were having an all out flour war, and when Zayn walked in, I threw some, and Harry ducked, so it hit Zayn square in the face.

“Oh, you’re gonna get it now little girl!” Zayn said, grabbing a fist full of flour, and chucking it across the room.

        Liam, Dani, and Perrie came running in at the sound of my screams, and when they saw what was happening, they joined in too. I don’t know how long we were throwing flour at each other, but I know we’d gone through an entire bag of it when we were done, and we all looked like snowmen we were so covered.

        While the pizzas baked, we all went to rinse off the flour from ourselves, and then we came back downstairs to clean up the kitchen. Thankfully, we all have pretty good aim, so not much of it really got on any of the walls, doors, or appliances.

        After the kitchen was cleaned, we’d all eaten, and we’d all showered, we all went to bed because we were all, how did Harry put it? Knackered. We were all knackered.

        I fell asleep with Harry quickly for the second night in a row, because I was all worn out from the day’s events. There was something I didn’t tell the others about, because I just wanted to show Harry.

        When my phone’s alarm went off that morning, I shut it off quickly so I wouldn’t wake anyone else. I rolled over and nudged Haz.

“What? It’s seven in the bloody morning.” He said, obviously grumpy.

“Shh, we’re sneaking out.” I said, winking.

        Harry seemed to perk up at that, and we put on our bathing suits quietly, and tip toed down the stairs. I scribbled down a quick note that said that Harry and I went for a walk along the beach.

“Where are we going?” He asked, grabbing my waist and pulling me closer to him so he could kiss my neck.

“You’ll see.” I said nonchalantly, untangling myself from him, and pulling him out of the sliding door in the living room.

        I grabbed his hand and pulled him around to the back of the house to walk down one of the paths. It wasn’t a long walk, but it seemed to take forever. When we were almost there, we had to stop because of the huge tree that had fallen over across our path.

“Well, this wasn’t here the last time we came over…” I said, trying to figure out a way to get over it.

        As I was trying to plan out how to get over it, Hazza decided to just climb up on top of it and jump over to the other side.

“Figured it out.” He scoffed.

“How am I supposed to do that?” I complained.

“You’re the dancer. It should be easy for you! And I’m over here waiting to catch you if you fall.” He reassured me.

        I hoisted myself onto the top of this massive tree, and just as I was about to jump off, I lost my balance, and fell over the side of it. Holly shit, I’m going to die. As I braced myself for the worst, I did hit something, but not as hard as I was expecting. I opened my eyes a tiny bit to see if I was dead and I found Harry leaning over me with a look of concern.

“Are you okay? Does anything hurt?” he asked, looking me over to see if anything looked broken or bloody.

“No, I think I’m fine… Actually my leg hurts a little, down near the side of my ankle.” I confessed, hoping it wasn’t bad.

“You’ve got a long scratch, but nothing serious, it doesn’t look deep.” He said, assessing the damage.

“Well, thank you, Dr. Styles.” I said, winking.

        He helped me up, and insisted on going back to the house to clean my cut and wrap it up, but I protested, knowing I’d be fine.

“We’re almost there, just come on.” I said, pulling him farther down the path.

“Fine, but if it starts hurting more, you tell me, and I’ll take you straight home.” He said protectively.

“I will.” I promised. “Hey Hazza?”

“Yeah?” he said, turning around to face me.

“Thanks for catching me.” I whispered, pulling him close and wrapping my arms around his neck.

“I told you I would, didn’t I?” He said, letting me go and smiling down at me.

        He kept walking down the direction the path was taking him, but I stayed where I was.

“And another thing, Harry.” I said.

“Yeah?” he asked, looking puzzled that I hadn’t followed him.

“Where we’re going, is this way.” I said, pointing to a small break in the woods that goes unnoticed by almost everyone who comes this way.

        He laughed and ran back over to me, and together, we walked through a canopy of trees that opened up to my waterfall.

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