Chapter 39

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        We all slept in since today was our chill out day. The six of us decided we’d all just stay in the flat today and make our own fun, because none of us really felt like being mobbed by fans. When we finally all woke up, I made pancakes for the boys and me, and Niall ate the first batch all by himself.

        We all vowed that we’d stay in our PJ’s all day, and that’s just what we did. We laid around on the couch together and watched movies, Harry, Niall, and Liam made lunch for us all, we played stupid, fun games like hide-n-go-seek and twister. I wondered why the boys had twister in their flat… Kinda weird. But I won every round because these boys are not really that flexible… At all.

        After twister, Louis had the bright idea of wanting to learn how to dance like me. And by dance he really meant that he only cares about learning all the flips and jumps and turns and twists. No actual dancing to music or anything like that. Well, this should be fun.

        All the boys joined in after I had taught Lou to do a successful-ish cartwheel. I figured that turns would be kind of hard since we don’t have the right floors, space, or shoes. Liam wound up being the easiest to teach, since he can already do a headstand, and he has to stretch regularly since he likes to run so much. By the end of the day, all the boys could do some pretty good cartwheels, and Louis even came up with his own sort of round off commando roll type thing.

        We all collapsed onto one big couch together, worn out from all of our practice. Lou insisted he wanted more tomorrow, but we’re supposed to be going to Wolverhampton, so I don’t see how that’s going to work out.

“Hey guys! I’ve got a great idea!” Niall said, sitting up and walking over to the lazy boy that held Harry’s laptop.

“We’re not watching any Demi Lovato music videos if that’s what you think.” Louis said, letting out a yawn.

“Please Lou, I’m over that crush. No one told you I’m with Hadley's sister now?” He asked, looking around at us all.

“I guess we sort of forgot…” I said, feeling bad.

“Well good for you Niall!” Louis said, slapping Nialler on the back.

“Tanks mate, but I was going to suggest that we do a twitcam!” Niall said happily.

“That’s actually a good idea. We don’t really do ones that we’re all in…” Zayn said smiling.

        The boys announced all over Twitter that they’d be doing a twitcam in twenty minutes. While they set it up, I said that I’d sit this one out. I didn’t really want to answer weird questions from the fans about why I’m in their flat… No need to start pregnancy rumors or something stupid like that.

        I decided I’d just stay in Harry’s room and watch TV. I heard the boys start talking outside, so I knew they’d started. About ten minutes later, I looked over at the clock and saw that it was time to take my pain medicine again, so I crept out of the room, getting on my hands and knees, and crawled along the floor to the kitchen, hoping I wasn’t making any noise. As I went stand up, I hit my head on a table and yelled out in pain, while some kind of vase clattered to the floor. Thankfully it didn’t break. It looked pretty expensive. A strong pair of arms lifted me up off the floor and pulled me into a hug. I looked up to see Haz looking down at me, concern written all over his face.

“I’m fine.” I whispered, rubbing the back of my head.

“What on earth happened?” He asked, laughing at my klutziness.

“Well, I was crawling on the floor, trying to get to the kitchen to take my medicine, and when I went to stand up, I hit my head on the table…” I said, glaring at the stupid wooden thing.

“Where did you hit your head?” he asked seriously.

“The same place that El bashed in into the window of the car, but I’m fine, really.” I said, trying to comfort him.

“You’re lying. Come on, let’s get you your meds and then get some ice on your head.” He said, pulling me towards the kitchen.

“How do you do that?!” I asked, still not knowing how he can catch me in every lie.

        He just ignored me, and instead picked me up so I could wrap my legs around his torso. He pressed his forehead to mine, whispering, “I’m magic.” against my lips before closing the space between them.

        A chorus of "awws" went around the room, and Harry and I sprung apart, and he set me down carefully as we turned to see that the boys had the computer facing us. Harry pulled me close to him, keeping his arm around my waist as we started awkwardly at the computer.

“How long has that been on us?” Harry asked tightly.

“Since we heard Hadley break something!” Louis chirped brightly.

“Face it mate, everyone knows about you two now. I mean, who else would you go run to rescue when you heard her yell in pain?” Liam said, laughing.

        I went to take my medicine and get some ice for my head while Harry went to sit down and talk into the camera, probably answering questions about us. When I walked back out, I decided I’d just walk really fast back to the bedroom and hope they wouldn’t pay attention to me.

“Hey babe, not so fast!” Harry said, jumping over the back of the sofa and grabbing me around my waist.

“Styles, let me go, and I won’t poke you in your yellow eye.” I said, severely.

        He ignored me of course, and pulled me over to the couch and sat me down in his lap. Holly shit. I’m right in front of the camera. So what do I do? Wave like an idiot, of course.

“Um, hi.” I said awkwardly.

“For those of you who don’t know, this is my girlfriend, Hadley.” Harry said, moving me so I’m now between him and Lou.

“And we love her!” Louis screamed out, hugging my head and then petting it like a crazy person.

“Um, Lou, could you not pet my girlfriend?” Harry asked, moving Louis’ hands away from my head.

“Okay, questions…” Liam said, scrolling through the questions.

“They’re all for you guys.” Zayn said, turning the computer back on Haz and me.

“Okay… Yes, this is real. No, we didn’t get set up by management. No, she didn’t use Lou to get to me. Yes, I love her with all of my heart. No, she’s not living with me; she lives in America. No, the tour won’t come between us. Yes, she’s four years younger than me. Yes, my eye is yellow. It used to be a lot worse. I got it from protecting my girl. Eleanor attacked her. Yes, Louis is single now. No, Liam and Zayn aren’t. No comment on Niall. Yes, she’s broken my bad boy streak… And yes, I do want to spend the rest of my life with her.” He said, turning to look at me.

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