Chapter 42

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        Everything seemed to happen in slow motion. Harry dropped the glass he was holding. Louis stood up and glared down at me like I was the one who had done something wrong. I watched Harry’s facial features change from hurt to anger in a matter of seconds. I felt my heart plummet to my feet.

“I’m so sorry mate! You left the room and she was all over me!” Louis said, looking at me disgustedly.

“OH MY GOD. He is lying to you Harry!” I screamed, getting angry now.

“Get out.” Harry said quietly, not looking me in the eyes.

“W-what?” I asked, tears welling up in my eyes.

“I said get out.” He repeated, looking up at me, anger in his eyes.

“You don’t believe me.” I said, not asking. I could tell he didn’t.

“Well, since I’ve known Lou longer, yeah. I trust him.” He said.

“And you don’t trust me? I told you everything about me! Things I haven’t told anyone!” I screamed, not believing this was happening.

“Just get out.” He said, throwing my pain meds to me.

“If this is really how you want to leave things, then fine. I’ll get out.” I said, my voice quivering.

“Go. Now.” He said.

“C’mon mate. Are you really going to make her leave this late? Where will she go?” Lou asked, suddenly looking regretful.

“She’ll be fine. But I just caught her snogging you. You’re my best mate. That’s kind of unforgivable, don’t ‘cha think?” He asked, letting out a humorless laugh.

“Why you believe him, I’ll never fucking know.” I said, grabbing my phone and my pain meds, and leaving the flat, slamming the door on my way.

        I got to the bottom of the stairs and sat down, leaning against the wall, and just started bawling. Getting myself together, I pulled my phone out and dialed Liam’s number, knowing he’d come and get me.

“Yeah babes?” He answered.

“Liam… I need… You to come… Get me.” I said between sobs.

“I’ll be there in ten.” He said, not asking for an explanation. I really appreciate that.

        Ten minutes later, Liam pulled up, jumping out of the car and picking me up. He somehow managed to open the passenger door and got me in, buckled my seat belt, and then we were on our way back to his house he shares with Danielle.

“Bloody hell. What happened?” he asked when my sobs had died down as we were pulling into his driveway.

“You may not believe me either.” I mumbled, looking down at my hands.

“Just tell me.” He said, leaning over to brush my hair behind my shoulder so he could see me.

        You see, when Liam does things like that, it’s not romantic at all, and everybody knows it. He’s probably the one I’m closest to out of all the boys. Except Harry. But I guess not anymore.

“Harry went to get me some water to take my medicine with, and while he was gone, Lou told me he still liked me, and while I tried to turn him down nicely, he just… Attacked me. He started kissing me, and he wouldn’t let go, even though I tried fighting back. Harry walked in on us, and Lou jumped up and turned it around saying that I was the one who jumped on him. Harry just believed him. He didn’t even let me explain or anything. He just went with what Louis told him, no questions asked. And then he threw me my pain killers and told me to get out. I’m sorry to intrude on you and Dani, but I didn’t know who else would come get me, no questions asked.” I said, feeling the tears coming again.

“It’s completely fine. Dani will understand. And if anything matters, I believe you. I mean, I’ve seen the way Lou’s been looking at you lately. A blind person could tell he still wants you. I’ll try talking to Harry if you want.” He said, rubbing my shoulder.

“Thank you so much Liam. I love you, and I don’t know what I would do without you. But I don’t really think talking to him will help. I could see in his eyes that he’s already made up his mind on what he thinks happened.” I said, letting a few tears spill over.

“I love you too. All the boys do, and we’re all here for you. I think maybe it was just easiest for Harry to accept the first story that came along. He really does love you so much, that maybe his biggest fear was losing you. Lou’s his best mate, so he didn’t want to lose him either. I guess he just didn’t know what to believe, so he believed the first thing he heard. He doesn’t deal really well with things like this…” Liam said, getting out of the car and coming to help me out as well.

        I let Liam show me inside to the closest guest bedroom. I would’ve slept on the couch I was so tired and emotionally drained. As soon as Liam got me in the room, and Dani brought me some PJ’s to borrow, I was out like a light.

        I just can’t believe this. After everything Harry and I have been through, he’s so willing to just throw it all away over a lie? I love him so much it hurts, and he should know that I would never do something like that to him.

        As I fell asleep I wondered if he ever really loved me at all.

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