Chapter 9

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        I stopped dead in my tracks. Harry’s not the only one here who speaks French.

“What do you mean, you’ll wait for me?” I asked him curtly.

He looked frightened. “I… I didn’t know you spoke French...”

“Well I do. What the hell am I supposed to make out of that?!” I asked him.

“I… I’ve got to get to hair and makeup. Catch you later? Bye!” He said running off very quickly.

        Honestly, did he really think he could avoid me in there? That’s where I was heading as well. The whole way there all I could think about was what Harry could possibly mean by that. “I will wait for you.” Those were his exact words. As I arrived at the door to hair and makeup, I decided to pretend that it didn’t happen for Louis’ sake. I walked in with a huge smile on my face, completely ignoring Harry’s looks and heading straight over to Lou.

“Hey babe.” He said taking my hand as he squirmed under the makeup.

“Hey.” I said smiling, taking my free hand to run it through his hair to calm him a bit. It seemed to help.

        None of the boys liked having to sit through this, but I don’t blame them. I’m a girl and I don’t even like wearing makeup. The only time I ever put up with it is for dance. Speaking of dance… The boys all seem pretty distracted, and I do have a recital coming up in about a month, so I decided to go to the back of the room and practice. There was a large area that was free of debris, so I started going through the motions. As I went to do my aerial, I saw the first flash go off. Then the hoots and hollers of boys who had never seen something as normal as an aerial before. Oh great. That means they probably saw the whole dance. Awkward much?

“That was so cool!” Niall shouted.

“Yeah!” the rest of the boys agreed.

“It’s just a dance guys. Don’t you have to go practice some more?” I asked trying to change the subject away from my dancing.

“Uh, yeah. C’mon boys.” Liam said, obviously understanding where I was coming from.

“Thank you!” I mouthed to him as he looked back over his shoulder before they left the room. He winked in response. Liam, you may be my new best friend, I thought to myself with a smile.

        I sat backstage for the rest of rehearsal and listened to them sing. It was amazing how much my life had changed in just a day, I thought to myself, smiling for the millionth time that day. When they had finally run all the songs twice, they had a little break before the show started, so we all sat together backstage and listened to the stadium begin to fill up.

         Their opening act played for about thirty minutes, and then it was time for my boys to go on. I gave them all a peck on the cheek- even Harry, because if I didn’t they would question what was going on between us- and wished them all good luck, and they were off. I crept to the side of the stage where they entered, and I could see them all dancing around and singing. It was so loud.

        I still couldn’t believe this. Yesterday, I was listening to them with my ear pressed up against a door, hoping to at least see them from far away, and now I’m on stage watching them perform. Oh, and they’re coming home with me again. Praise Jesus, life is good.

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