Chapter 35

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“What about the boys?” I asked suddenly, wanting to know where they all were.

“They all came over as soon as they found out. They were here all day yesterday. They actually didn’t want to leave, but the nurses made them. The only reason they let Lou and me got to stay is because we told them that I’m your fiancé and he’s your brother.” He said, laughing a little.

“They believed that?” I asked laughing with him.

“Yeah, you have a really old nurse. She has no clue who we are.” He said, grinning evilly.

“So where are the boys now?” I asked, wanting to see them.

“I think they all spent the night at my place actually. They wanted to welcome you home.” He said.

“God, I love them.” I said, smiling hugely.

“They love you too.” Harry said.

“Hey Hazza?” I asked.

“Yeah gorgeous?” he answered me.

“Is there any way you can spring me from this place any sooner? If I have to sit here for two more hours, I will have to kill myself.” I said.

“Don’t do that, I’ll see what I can do.” He said, standing up and leaving the room.

        Half an hour later, after being checked out by the doctor once more, assuring him that I felt fine, getting take home pain meds, waking up Louis, and getting some clothes for me, we were finally leaving the hospital.

        When we got into the car, Louis driving and Harry and me in the back, I cringed at the sight of the blood stains all over the seat. Had I really bled that much? Good God, I’m lucky to be alive…

“Sorry about your car Lou…” I said, feeling awful that I’d messed up his car.

“It’s fine babes, I’ll just buy a new one.” He said, winking into the rearview mirror where I could see.

        I was happy things seemed like they were going to be okay between Louis and me. I didn’t want things to be awkward for us these two weeks, or ever for that matter. I wanted to be friends with him like I was friends with all the other boys. Hopefully he feels the same way…

        Harry pointed out a few more things on the way home, and when we pulled into the lot, I let out a slow whistle. This was just their flat? It looked like it could be a house. Harry helped me out of the car, and then when I was out, he picked me up the way he always does.

“Nothing happened to my legs…” I whined.

“Would you just be quiet and let me take care of you?” He asked, laughing at my protest.

        Louis led the way and made sure Harry wouldn’t trip over anything, and we walked up two flights of stairs. When we got to their door, Louis pulled his key out of his pocket and unlocked the door. Harry followed right behind him as Lou flicked on the lights.

        It was so quiet… I thought the boys stayed here last night? Just then, they all jumped out from behind the sofa, all bearing balloons and teddy bears, and Dani and Perrie came running out of the kitchen with a cake that said ‘Get Better Soon!’. There was also a big banner across the top of the doorway that read ‘Welcome home Hadley!’ I laughed out loud because someone had scrawled in a small ‘We’re glad you didn’t die!’ below that.

“Thanks guys!” I yelled as Harry set me down.

“Sure thing babes.” Liam said, smiling and coming to stand next to me.

“How do you feel?” Niall asked from the sofa, where he’d started eating some chips.

“I hurt a lot, but I’ll be fine. These stitches are annoying though.” I said, unconsciously taking my good hand and covering my hurt arm.

“You were in surgery for a bit last night while we were there and Hazza and Lou didn’t really know all the details then yet. So El really tore into you then, huh?” Zayn asked from where he stood, leaned against the kitchen doorway, his arm around Perrie.

“Uh, yeah. Apparently my arm’s pretty bad. I lost a lot of blood; you should see Lou’s car. And my head still hurts pretty badly, but I don’t have a concussion, and neither does Haz, so that’s good. I’ll be fine.” I said, trying to reassure them all.

“Speaking of pain, we need to get some of your pain meds in you, and I need some ice for my eye.” Harry said, stepping into the kitchen to get our things.

“Some shiner he’s got.” Niall said.

“Yeah. He got it trying to pull Eleanor off of me.” I said, sighing at the memory.

“He really does love you.” Dani said, speaking up from the lazy boy she was sharing with Liam.

“I know. I really love him too.” I said, smiling.

        When I said that, I looked around for Lou because I hadn’t seen him since we walked through the door, and I found him walking innocently out of a bedroom door, but I could tell by the look on his face that he had heard what I said, and he didn’t look too happy about it.

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