15: Assault

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Normal POV(3rd person PoV)

Using the cover of night, Yuito along with a small detachment of soldiers, infiltrated the imperial army's encampment.

"You all remember the plan? Assassinate the commanding officers, sabotage their supplies, and set their tents on fire, avoid direct confrontations with the patrolling guards if possible."

The soldiers nodded and divided into three groups, each comprising five soldiers, whilst the section under Yuito's command had six soldiers.

Quietly the infiltration units accomplished each of their objectives. The group under Yuito's command assassinated the army commander, chief of logistics and an entire knight corp.

The second section poisoned the food and water supplies, afterwards they hastily escaped the encampment undetected. Lastly the last section ignited their arrows with fire and fired multiple volleys on the encampment. The fire quickly spread and the camp was in utter chaos.

"Good work."

Yuito told his subordinates whom nodded in respond, the group hastily made their escape.

Upon returning to the fortress, Yuito quickly made his way to Chiharu's quarters.

"Looks like your small unit suffered no casualties, well done Knight Yuito."

"I still didn't expect such a plan would work."

"However we still need to stop supplies from reaching their encampment. Rally your troops and meet up with Lieutenant Akane's platoon."

Yuito nodded and left the quarters, after assembling his company. Yuito along with a force of two hundred soldiers left the fortress.

Two hours after Yuito's unit has been dispatched, Chiharu was reading various paperwork.

A soldier came rushing into the commander's quarters and reported.

"The enemy is here!!! They have already began preparations for a siege."

"Tch! I want every able bodied man to be ready for battle as soon as possible."

Chiharu ordered the soldier who quickly rushed off.

Around five hundred civilians were conscripted into the army, those whom had strong bodies and experience with the bow were given long bows.

The rest of the evacuees were sent to the town of Dalen, with archers manning every section of the wall. The battle begun.

"Even with conscripts within our ranks, our army can barely muster a thousand soldiers, whilst the enemy has around three thousand soldiers."

Chiharu mutters whilst observing the situation atop the keep.

The imperial army's battering ram was no match for gates of Aldar fort, which made the imperial army change tactics.

The imperial troops begun scaling the walls with ladders, many of the ladders were knocks over. But soon enough the imperial soldiers managed to climb the wall.

Skirmishes from atop the wall occurred. The conscripts formed a phalanx formation in an attempt to drove back the imperial troops.

However the formation easily broke and the conscripts became scattered, Knight Eladian arrived with a small group of soldiers to relieve the conscripts.

"Form a phalanx formation, do not falter and fight with all your might!"

The skirmishes within the walls continued, both sides suffered considerable amounts of casualties. Yet the imperial soldiers refuse to surrender.

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