Extra 01: Drakohelm's rise

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Author's Note: This chapter is quite long, but not necessary for the story aside world building.

Normal PoV

After the humans first arrives in Askha, they were met with fierce resistance, especially from the vampires, beastkins and High elves.

They rallies up their armies and marches eastward, where the humans have erected their encampment.

Led by High Elven King Dalian, under his command were several battalions of high elven troops.

A night before the army departs, the high king summoned representatives of the beastkins and vampires. Together the leaders held a war council.

"With our combined force, we have at our command seven thousand soldiers, hardly enough to defeat the overwhelming human forces."

Reported the beastkin general, the vampire general nodded and turned to the elven king.

"They outnumber us by at least three times, what should we do?"

The Elven king sighed, he observed the location of the human encampment and asked.

"Have they taken control over this settlement?"

Dalian points to the town near the coast, the general shook his head and replied.

"We have already sent a garrison of three hundred to the city, they have also been alerted of the invaders."

"Very well, we shall use this town as our base of operations. I need as many skilled archers from both beastkin and vampire forces."

"I brought with me several companies of the finest archers in Askha, however they are hardly enough against the human forces."

The representatives looked at each other and nodded.

"Three companies of beastkin archers, they might not be as renowned as the high elven archers, but I can assure their competence on the battlefield."

The beastkin general reported.

"Five companies of vampire archers and two companies of javelin throwers are at your command."

Dalian smiled, pleased with the cooperation of the two generals, he thanked them and told them that they'll depart at sunset.

Five days earlier.

The humans began to disembark from their ships, immediately began chopping down trees from the nearby forest and erecting a wooden fortress, some housing and a granary.

As the carpenters constructed housing, the huntsmen were attacked by an unknown group of people.

The noble commanding the expedition, nodded as the workers began building his manor.

"Have we encountered any hostiles captain?"

The Lord asked a captain, whom nodded in response.

"I'm afraid so milord, our huntsmen whom were sent to the forest to gather food were attacked, luckily non of them died during the attack.

"Have they attacked the settlement?"

The captain nodded, which pleased the lord.

"Nothing as of now, however I doubt that this will be the end of it."

The Lord sighed, the captain asked.

"What's wrong milord?"

"The Prince and his fleet would arrive in a few days, he wants the settlement to be completed before his arrival."

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