I'll be here for you | Ong Seongwoo

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Idol: Ong seongwoo (ex-wannaone)
Warnings:Abuse and murder and cussing

*Y/n's mom POV*


I heard a noise from upstairs, it sounded like a bunch of books were knocked over. I checked what was happening, until I found my husband beating up our son.

"Stop!Stop! Stop it!!" I said trying to force my husband to stop hitting our son

He didn't listen, he kept on beating y/n to the point where there were bruises and even blood on his body. Y/n was crying in pain, but he still won't listen, until I eventually grabbed his arm to stop the hitting

*Y/n POV*

It hurts, it hurts so so bad. It felt like as if I'm some sort of criminal, and I just stole something from him. Suddenly, my mom grabbed my father's arm, and at that point I thought he would stop. I was shocked to see that when my mom stopped him, he just threw her away like a piece of garbage. She flung out of the room and hit a mirror causing it to shatter, and unfortunately a piece flew to Mom's chest.

"MOM!" I yelled

I rushed towards her lying body on the floor, just covered in blood.

"Mom! Mom! Stay with me, I'm gonna calm the ambulance" I said

I ran out and searched for my phone, I swear I put it on my bed

" Looking for this?" My dad said while holding my phone

" Dad, please give it back, please. Mom is dying and it's because of you!" I said while crying

" Bullshit" He denied it that easily

" Dad please, please, dad" I begged him to give my phone back

I continue to beg him to give the phone since my mom's just dying waiting for help, I slowly realize what dad was carrying behind him.

" Dad, don't pull out the gun, dad please Dad, Dad Da-"

*A gun shot*

" Ohmygod" I screamed

" There I put you out of your misery lady" He said not even feeling guilty

" HOW DARE YOU! YOU-YOU MONSTER!!" I screamed on top of my lungs

" You're overreacting" Dad said coldly

" YOU ASSHOLE! YOU KILLED YOUR OWN FUCKING WIFE" I screamed while crying on top of mom's body.

" What did you say Fag" dad said

He pulled out the gun again, pointing this time at me. I backed up and found myself cornered up by a wall, dad was pointing the gun at my head, when I realized that it had no more ammo. I punched him in the stomach and ran, out of my house and went to my boyfriend's house with tears streaming out of my face

" Yeah, run you coward Fag!" Dad mockingly said

As soon as I got there I banged his door

" Ong! Ong! Please let me in!" I screamed

*Ong seongwoo POV*

I was listening to music while playing some Overwatch, when suddenly I heard a loud banging sound downstairs followed by crying and screaming. I dashed down the stairs and open up the door to see y/n looking so desperate, with huge and puffy ref eyes because of all of the crying

" Holy shit y/n what happened to you?" Ong said while welcoming me in

" It's just that everything in my life is falling apart an-" I couldn't hold back my tears, as it flowed like a river

Ong opened his arms signaling for a hug, without even thinking I jumped into his arms and burrying my head into his shirt, making it wet

" I-is Th-there any c-cha-nce I c-could li-ve here for a-while" I said whilst I was letting all of my emotions be free

" What's wrong?" Ong asked worrily

" My father murdered my mom" I said while I was crying miserably

" And my father has been treating me like shit" as I show him all of the bruises, cuts, wounds on my body

" Ohmygod y/n are you okay? Do we need to go to the hospital?" Ong asked

" No, it doesn't hurt as much as the fact that my mom is dead because of my father" I replied with no emotion

" Ong, why does my life suck so much, it's like god doesn't want me to be happy. I JUST WANNA DIE and have no one know, because no one cares about me" I say followed by more tears

" Hey, listen to me, listen to me!" Ong said sternly

I lifted my head up and looked him in the eyes

" You're not worthless, and there are so many people that care about you. And I'm sure that your mom wouldn't want you too kill yourself right?" Ong said lovingly

" Be honest with me y/n cause I only wanna help you. Are those cut's by your dad or yourself?" He asked

" Uh... Um well, yes those are from myself" I look down on the floor because of shame

Ong grabbed my hips and pulled himself closer to me, and shared a warm embrace. I noticed my hair getting wet, I thought the ceiling was cracked and it was raining outside. Until, I realized that those were tears from my boyfriend.

" O-ong I'm so-sorry. It's because of me, I should get going" I said while kissing his lips

" No! Stay here, stay with me until what happened between you and your father is done" Ong said assuring me

" I would just be a burden to you babe" I explained

" No such thing as a " burden" you're my boyfriend anyway, so stay and live with me?" Ong proposed with puppy eyes

" Ugh, fine" I said that with an annoyed tone, but in my heart I was the happiest person on earth.

We both hugged and kissed

"Y/n I want you to know that I'll always be by your side, no matter what it is. I'll always be here for you babe 😘" Ong said

" Love you" I kissed him again on the lips

" I know you do" he said while smiling down on me

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