Father figure | Jinyoung

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Idol: Jinyoung (Got7)
Warnings: family angst
Genre: angst
Word count: 1161


*3rd person POV*

"Hyung, I'm scared" the younger of the 2 siblings cried

"Shhh, it's gonna be fine Y/n" Jinyoung comforted me.

Jinyoung being the older brother he is, led Y/n to a room, and putting him in a wardrobe, hiding from all the noise coming from outside.

Y/n's and Jinyoung's age gap was pretty noticeable with a 5 year gap. At this year, Y/n was only 6, and Jinyoung was 11.

"Hyung, is appa gonna be safe?" Y/n sobbed quietly

"Yes, yes they will, our appa's will be safe, don't worry." He held the younger closer, as he rubbed circles on his back.

"I don't want Jackson and Jaebom appa to go" Y/n cried even louder.

"Shhh, it's okay" Jinyoung held Y/n even closer.

Even more intensive arguing, bickering emerged from downstairs. Continuing how Jackson, the father of the two, was allegedly a dark immigrant.

*Jinyoung's POV*

"If the parents are illegal immigrants, then their kids must be held too!" One of the men said sternly.

"NO! Anything but our children, please" Jackson said his voice starting to break

It's very rare, seeing our dad, this emotional, sad, angry and all the feelings, just mixed into one. And the even worst part, is that I can't do anything, Y/n can't do anything.

"You, sweep the upstairs room, check if the children are here" The leader of the pack instructed.

And with that, heavy steps, could be heard. With the big and hard rubber boots they were wearing, it was visible, that they were nearing us every second.

"Please, they're not here, they're at their school!" Dad screamed.

I put my hand over Y/n's mouth, as a silhouette, emerged slowly, walking around the room. With a gun, visible in his hands, fully loaded.

I make sure the both of us, didn't make a single sound, and be as quiet as possible.

He briefly roamed the room, as he finally leaves the room, closing the door back.

"Positive sir, they're not here!" The men reported back

And I could feel dad just mentally sigh in relief, knowing we hid well.

Meanwhile, Y/n was still a crying mess, he was making a huge flood with his tears. Hell, a 6 year old isn't coped to handle these situations, neither does a 11 year old.

And there was nothing I could do, other than just comforting Y/n nonstop, telling him words of encouragement, love, and care.

"I- I don't wanna lose appa" He cried onto my shoulder

I let him burry his face, deep in the crook of my shirt, letting him just cry away, as our parents were stuck down there.

"Please, we have a family!" Dad said

"Please, just please, keep our kids safe" He continued, his voice sounding even coarser by the syllable.

"Well, your kids need to be arrested too" The chief scoffed.

Suddenly, a bunch of thumping noises were just coming from down stairs. A lot of banging, and sounds of glass breaking, ceramic smashed, and it was just like a total mess.

As the noises started getting louder, Y/n grew even scared and sad. Making him cry again, balling his eyes out, which were red and puffy already.

Finally, the sounds dimmed down, with only a few little thumps, and some banging. And with the noises dying away, we heard a truck. Just slowly back away, and zoom into the distance.

And we thought that our dad's were safe, and were down there. So we quietly went down stairs, Y/n still behind me, with his sobs.

And was greeted with emptiness.

No one was there, but the room looked absolutely horrific.

"APPA!!!" I tried calling him

"A-appa~~" Y/n broke down in tears.

"T-they're gone, they're g-gone" Y/n cried even harder.

"Y/n, it's gonna be fine, we'll just live ourselves at the moment, okay?" I tried to be the supportive hyung.

But, let's be real, I was dying to let out all of my emotions, sadness, anger, rage, and all of them. Tears were welling up, threatening to come and just flow down my face.

At last, we can't hide our feelings forever right? I started crying and crying too, with Y/n. It was such a heartbreaking moment, since we KNOW that our dad is harmless and is a good guy.

We just crumbled on to the floor, defeated, shook, and just didn't have any motivations.

We just cried and cried, for who knows how long.

"Hy-hyung what are we gonna do know? We don't have any many, we can't make money too!" He asked with me, staring into my eyes. In which I couldn't help but feel sorry for him.

"I-I don't know..." I just replied weakly.

We started regaining our composure back, and we were now just barely sobbing.

"You know what Y/n? It's okay, I know they're innocent, and we'll just have tk live like this for a few time okay?" I smiled at him reassuringly

Y/n nodded weakly, clearly still shocked by the events.

"Okay, let's start packing!" I tried to bring the mood up a bit. But who am I kidding, we both just lost probably the most valuable person in our lives.

And with a heavy heart and sigh, we decided to pack up. We still had some food left over from stock, and we grabbed some sheets to keep us warm. Y/n grabbed some extra clothes just in case, and in no time, our backpacks were all full.

I just thought at this point, that we are still luckier than some other children, since we were still blessed to have a childhood of some sort.

We regrouped back, and set off, to a nearby park in our area.

We searched in the dumpsters for some cardboard, and stuff for our 'home'. And we placed our backpacks there.

Y/n and I went to set up the little base from cardboard, and layered with a sheet of bed covers. Meanwhile Y/n brought a blanket from Dad's room. Oh I've missed them already.

"They smell like dad" Y/n randomly said

"Yeah, they do..." I replied with a sad tone.

And with our 'home' done, Y/n immediately went off and dozed to sleep, meanwhile I was thinking of ideas.

And I certainly have one, but it's gonna be a risky one...



Hello! I hope you enjoy this 1st installment for my new mini series.

I hope this wasn't too angsty for you, but I just wanted to kind of base this mini series out of my life story.

Now, my life isn't that depressing, but that story has elements that do represent my past.

Sooo.... I hope you enjoy this chapter, and yeah! Stay tuned for the next ones 😉

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